What is the Hıdırellez wish paper, where is it celebrated? What not to do on the day of Hıdırellez? Here is the meaning and importance

What is the Hidirellez wish paper where is it celebrated

Hıdırellez is one of the oldest traditions symbolizing spring. Every year in Hıdırellez, Hz. Khidr and Hz. It is believed that İlyas met under a rose tree and helped those who believed in themselves and asked for help. This tradition is constantly celebrated in Anatolia and the Balkans. Here are the details about the Hıdırellez rituals…


Hıdırellez or Hıdırellez is one of the seasonal holidays celebrated in Central Asia, the Middle East, Anatolia and the Balkans. The day of Hıdırellez, called Ruz-ı Hızır (Hızır day), is considered and celebrated as the day when Hızır, who is thought to be the helper of those who are in trouble, and İlyas, who is believed to be the ruler of the seas, meet on earth.


Hıdırellez is celebrated as a traditional holiday on May 5-6 every year. This year, Hıdırellez falls on Friday and Saturday.



For the stone areas on the night that connects May 5 to May 6, it is necessary to consider the stone or stones and revive everything that is desired to happen while all wishes are closed. Take the stone (Citrine or quartz stone) aside and all wishes are drawn on a white sheet of paper. Then the paper on which the wishes are written is burned. With the paper ashes, you bury your stones under the rose tree and water them.

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Those who do not use stones draw all their wishes and burn the paper in the same way. On another white paper, he draws a Venus symbol for love, a Pharmacy symbol for health, a money symbol for money, folds the paper, bury it in the Rosewood again and waters it. It is essential to use the element of fire, water, earth and air for the ritual.
