What is the “future climate savings plan” for minors that the government will create?

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Directing private savings towards ecologically virtuous projects. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, confirmed this Monday, May 15 on BFMTV / RMC the creation of a “future climate savings plan” for miners to finance low carbon projects.

The creation of this savings product was one of the 29 proposals presented to Bercy on April 3 by elected officials and industrialists from five working groups reflecting on the future law on green industry. This bill will be presented this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers.

“Industry requires a lot of capital. There is public capital […] but private savings must also be mobilized”, declared Bruno Le Maire. “We want the savings of young people to be mobilized for this, so we will create a climate savings plan which can be opened by parents. […] as soon as their child is born,” he added.

A “higher” remuneration than that of the Livret A

This savings plan, whose remuneration will be “higher” than that of the Livret A”, will benefit from guaranteed capital and “exceptional tax conditions: zero tax and zero contribution”, he detailed. It may be distributed by banks and insurance companies.

The ceiling will also be aligned with that of the Livret A, or around 23,000 euros, said the Ministry of the Economy, adding that the annual collection could reach one billion euros “at its full potential”.

To be able to finance long-term projects, it will not be possible to make withdrawals before the majority of the holder, except accident of life. The allocation of funds will be controlled by the Caisse des dépôts, according to Bruno Le Maire.

The objective of the green industry bill is to promote a low-carbon reindustrialization of France and to counter the massive support of the American “Inflation Reduction Act” to support industry and the energy transition. The text also offers the government an opportunity to rebound after the painful pension crisis.
