What is the easiest way to get out of depression?

What is the easiest way to get out of depression

It can affect everyone, regardless of age.

Depression can occur following life changes such as divorce, separation, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, etc. These upheavals cause “a chemical disturbance in the brain due to a psychomotor slowdown, which sometimes can end up overwhelming us. It results in several symptoms which should not be taken lightly”explains psychologist Emma Pisarz. “Depression can affect everyone, regardless of age, status, gender.” Taking drugs or certain medications can increase the risk of depressive disorders as well as certain illnesses.like bipolar disorder.

Mood disorders, omnipresent sadness, excessive sleepiness during the day, insomnia at night, loss of desire for activities previously enjoyed, withdrawal from social life… As the symptoms of depression are not specific, it can go unnoticed. . “There are lots of different depressions, that’s why we generally don’t say that there is one depression but depressions” continues the psychologist. The easiest way out? “There is no way that is easier than another.” replies our interlocutor. The first thing to do, according to her, is to talk about it: to your GP, to a psychologist, to a psychiatrist or to those around you. “There is nothing shameful about it, depression is one of the most widespread disorders in the world” recalls Emma Pisarz.

To get out of depression, you need psychological support. “Several therapies exist and work well, but in general, I advise patients to find out what speaks to them in order to be truly active in their therapy.” It may be EMDR, it is the first therapy recommended by Emma Pisarz. Originally intended for the management of psychotrauma, its use has expanded. “When the person has memories or life events that have not been digested and which continue to pose a problem, we will understand them using eye movement exercises.” This rapid scanning of the eyes from right to left has the effect of stimulating the area of ​​the brain where emotions are stored and where memories of trauma experienced are retained. The brain will dissociate the traumatic memory from the emotion, so that the latter no longer causes suffering.

Another therapy recommended for depression is CBT for “cognito-behavioral therapy”. “We start from the principle that we have dysfunctional thoughts which generate behaviors which are not adapted and which make us suffer. This therapy consists of putting all these thoughts in order through exercises. It’s quite academic In general, CBT is interesting for depression because we all have automatic thoughts, so it will highlight thoughts that are more appropriate to the situation.explains the psychologist. Among the exercises offered, exposure, distancing thoughts through relaxation or mindfulness techniques, working on obsessions and self-affirmation exercises. Whatever therapy you choose, healing from depression can take time, so you need to be patient and kind to yourself. “Parallel drug treatment may sometimes be necessary” concludes Emma Pisarz.
