Many people associate champagne with luxury and big celebrations. But if you’re going to drink bubbly, you can also choose prosecco and cava. So what exactly are the differences between these? And why is champagne so exclusive?
Prosecco and champagne are designations of origin. This means that they may only be produced in certain locations. Designation of origin exists to protect a product that comes from a certain place, has qualities that depend on the place where it is produced and that all stages of production are limited to this place.
In Sweden, we have several designated origin goods such as Kalix roe, Wrångebäcksost and Upplandskubb, according to The Swedish Food Agency.
Grapes are used to produce bubbly wine. Photo: Luca Bruno
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What is prosecco?
Prosecco originally comes from the Veneto area in northern Italy. To produce prosecco, a grape called Glera is used, but previously it was just called “prosecco”. But in order to make bubbles and call it prosecco, the wine must come from the Veneto area.
The grape gives the wine a fresh character with fairly natural flavors. In addition, prosecco has smaller bubbles compared to champagne and cava. That’s because you ferment it once in the bottle, according to Swedish Beverage Fairs.
What is cava?
Cava comes from Spain and is produced mainly in the Catalonia region. Unlike prosecco and champagne, cava may be produced in several other regions of the country and is therefore not designated as originating.
It is possible to make cava from several different kinds of grapes and it can therefore have several different characters. Some common grapes for cava are:
The drink has a similarity to champagne as both get a second fermentation in the bottle. This means that the wine usually has a higher alcohol content but less acid. Cava has more bubbles than processo, according to the Swedish Beverage Fair.
Two glasses of bubbly. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TTVWhat is champagne?
Champagne is produced in the Champagne region of France. To make champagne, a mixture of the grapes pinot noir, chardonnay and pinot meunier is used.
Just like cava, champagne also has more bubbles is prosecco because it ferments twice.
But why is champagne considered exclusive? This is because it is produced in the Champagne area, according to Wine smart.
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