What is the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol?

What is the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL. What is the difference ? What’s the good and the bad? What are the standards? What is the correct report? Advice from our cardiologist.

There are two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL, colloquially called good and bad cholesterol. What are the differences ? What are the standards? What is the right relationship between the two?

What is HDL cholesterol?

HDL cholesterol for “hhigh ddensity Iipoproteins” (high density lipoproteins) is what is commonly called the “good” cholesterol. In fact, HDL lipoproteins capture cholesterol molecules that are deposited in tissues including arteries to transport them to the liver, which will then take care of eliminating them through the digestive tract through bile. HDL cholesterol therefore lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

What is LDL cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol for “Iwow ddensity lipoproteins” (low density lipoproteins), is what is called bad cholesterol. Quite simply because LDL lipoproteins deposit cholesterol in certain tissues including the walls of the arteries and cause the formation of fatty plaques can lead to serious health problems, including cardiovascular problems. To lower your LDL cholesterol, you need to “reduce saturated fats in your diet: cream, butter, cold cuts, meat fats… But also reduce trans fats (often called “hydrogenated vegetable fats”), present in industrial biscuit products for example”says Dr François Paillard, cardiologist.

What are the differences between HDL and LDL cholesterol?

► HDL cholesterol helps to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood while LDL is deposited in certain tissues including the arteries and leads to the formation of fatty plaques.

► Excess LDL cholesterol can lead to myocardial infarction, a cerebrovascular accident or arteritis of the lower limbs. On the other hand, it is too low a level of HDL cholesterol which constitutes a risk factor vis-à-vis the arteries.

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What is the correct ratio between HDL and LDL cholesterol?

The LDL percentage is calculated by your doctor, who will establish a cholesterol ratio by dividing the total cholesterol level by the HDL cholesterol level. Ideally, the cholesterol ratio should be less than 4 g/l.

The assay is carried out in the same way for HDL and LDL cholesterol, by fasting blood test. It is important to regularly monitor your cholesterol levels by performing a lipid panel every 5 years for a healthy person. Dosages may change with the age and sex of the patient. It is not necessary to measure cholesterol during pregnancy. “Cholesterol is then physiologically increased, so measuring it can lead to management errors that have no place during this period”, emphasizes Dr. François Paillard.

What are the standards to be met?

THE HDL cholesterol level must be above 0.40 grams per liter of blood to protect against cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, the LDL cholesterol should be below 1.6 grams per liter of blood. “Generally, total cholesterol must be less than 2 g/l but it also depends on the distribution between HDL and LDL-cholesterol”, concludes Dr. François Paillard.

Thanks to Dr François Paillard, cardiologist.
