What is the definition of overweight? What BMI?

What is the definition of overweight What BMI

In France, 47% of French adults are overweight, of which 17% are obese. What is the medical definition of overweight? From what BMI? How do you know if you are overweight? What to do ? Calculation, risks and advice.

In France, 47% of French adults are overweight, including 17% who are obese with higher values ​​in the North and East of France according to a study published in February 2023 in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. Overweight is higher in men (36.9%) than among women (23.9%) and in people over 55 (57% against 23% of 18-24 year olds). Overweight is determined by BMI. It’s what to be overweight ? How to know if you are overweight? How calculate my BMI? What consequences for health ? What to do ?

What is the medical definition of overweight?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), being overweight is a abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat, which is detrimental to health. It is mainly caused by a too rich diet and low physical activity. It is a chronic disease associated with multiple comorbidities and one mortality important. “In 2017, more than 4 million people die each year from being overweight or obesity, according to a study on the global burden of disease. Overweight and obesity rates continue to rise in adults and children. Between 1975 and 2016, the prevalence of overweight or obesity in children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 increased more than fourfold, from 4% to 18% globally“reports the WHO.

30% of French people are overweight

What is the percentage of overweight people in France?

In 2020, overweight concerns 47% of French people including 17% in a situation of obesity. Since 1997, the prevalence of overweight (alone without obesity) always fluctuates around 30%. Men are more often overweight than women (36.9% versus 23.9%). Overweight (including obesity) affects 57% of 65 and over compared to 23% of 18-24 year olds. The prevalence of overweight is 51% among workers, 45% among employees, 43% among intermediate professions and 35% among managers. Worldwide, 39% of people are overweight and 13% obese. according to figures published in 2022 by the Senate Social Affairs Committee.

What is the BMI of an overweight person?

According to the WHO, a person is overweight if their body mass index (BMI) is greater than 25 kg/m². From 30, the BMI is a sign of obesity.

Overweight is defined by BMI (Body mass index). Body mass index is a simple measure of weight for height commonly used to estimate overweight and obesity. It corresponds to weight divided by the square of the height, expressed in kg/m2. “BMI is correlated with the amount of body fat and it’s there most useful measure for assessing overweight and obesity (…) because it applies to both sexes and all age groups adult. However, it should be considered as an approximate indication because, at the individual level, it does not necessarily correspond to the same fat mass according to the individuals” underlines the High Authority of Health.

What is the difference between overweight and obesity?

We differentiate overweight from obesity first with BMI. From 30 kg/m², we speak of obesity which is the superior overweight state. Risk factors and associated pathologies are more frequent in obesity. Overweight is a reversible symptom whereas obesity is a complex, difficult to treat, sometimes irreversible chronic disease.

What are the causes of overweight?

This excess weight is often due to an unhealthy lifestyle (excessive food intake, insufficient physical activity): when the energy provided to the body through food is greater than that expended by the body over a long period, weight gain gradually occurs. But genetic factors are also involved, the body of some people storing much more fat than normal.

What are the consequences and risks of being overweight?

People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from joint pain or of low back pain. They also have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathology Of type hypertension, heart attack myocardium, angina pectoris or even stroke (stroke). Metabolic disorders like diabetes, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol) or a fatty liver (fatty liver) are often associated with weight gain. Not to mention respiratory problems such as sleep apnea. Finally, adults with a high body mass have a greater likelihood of developing cancer.

What to do in case of overweight?

To lose weight, it is necessary to combine the following two parameters: a Healthy eating, varied and balanced and a daily physical activity.

For advice adapted to lifestyle habits allowing moderate weight loss followed by stabilization over the long term, follow-up by a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.


– Obesity and overweight: nearly one in two French people concerned, Inserm, 20 February 2023

– Obesity, WHO

– Overweight and obesity in adults: primary medical care, HAS2011.
