What is the cost of a facelift?

What is the cost of a facelift

Over time, the condition of a building’s exterior walls deteriorates. Indeed, the facades become visually unpleasant after several years.

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As well as the insulation of housing is strongly affected. 30% of energy loss comes from facades in poor condition. In this situation, it is important to provide a facelift. This is an intervention whose main objective is to clean, repair and renovate the walls exteriors of a building. But how much do facade renovations cost? Discover our price guide for cleaning facades.

How much should you pay for a facelift?

The cost of a facade renovation depends on several factors. First, its price varies enormously depending on the size of the exterior walls to be treated. Subsequently, the cost of the work may fluctuate depending on the condition of the facades, the complexity of the interventions and the materials. The average price for a facade renovation currently fluctuates between 25 and 90 € per square meter. This rate is decreasing according to the type of building to be worked on. Indeed, the cost of renovating a single-family house is different from the price for a condominium building. In this regard, it is strongly advised to always request a facade renovation quote. This means helps to find out about the exact price for cleaning the exterior walls of your home.

Cost of a facade renovation for a detached house

What is the cost to restore the facade of an individual residence? The price of the work varies greatly depending on the type of support, the supplies needed and the interventions required. But not only, this cost also depends on the installation or not of a scaffolding. It should be noted that the installation of the scaffolding costs 25% of the total amount of the facade restoration work. For a single-storey individual dwelling, this intervention is not necessary. How much do you need to plan to restore the walls of your home? The average cost of renovating the facade of a detached house is between €30 and €125 per m². However, this price can change enormously depending on any additional work and finishes. It is good to know that a homeowner has the possibility of reducing the cost of the renovation of his house. How? ‘Or’ What ? There are advantageous financial aids to reduce the price of the work. The bounty energy5.5% VAT, subsidies from the National Housing Agency, the tax credit…However, it is necessary to respect the conditions ofeligibility to be entitled to these aids for facade restoration work.

Cost of facade renovation for a condominium

In the case of a condominium, the cost of renovation depends on the size of the building and the coating. Apart from this point, the extent of the work to be carried out can also influence the intervention rate. The average cost of facade renovation of a condominium varies between 28 and 135 € per m². However, this price may fluctuate depending on the region and the professional in charge of the work. The facelift for a condominium can seem expensive, given the size of the building to be treated. However, the price of the work decreases, because all the owners of the building share the bill. Indeed, the various co-owners each pay a share of the cost of the facade renovation.

Facade renovation price according to the intervention

The price to restore the facade of a property varies according to the type of intervention. Indeed, the nature of the work to be carried out can influence the total cost of a facelift. But not only, the price of intervention also depends on the professional in charge of the operations. If you want to know more, discover this table summarizing the price of a facelift according to the interventions:

The different types of facade restorationAverage price per square meter
Repair of joints, cracks…Between 13 and 115 €
Exterior wall painting workBetween 14 and 35 €
Facade cleaningBetween 16 and 30 €
Application of a facade protective coatingBetween 23 and 70 €
Treatment of mushrooms, mossesBetween 25 and 90 €

Good to know : these rates do not yet include VAT. By requesting financial assistance, it is possible to benefit from a VAT rate of 5.5%. This subsidy makes it possible to reduce the total cost to restore the facades.

Price of the facade renovation according to the type of coating

Among the important factors that can influence the cost of the work is the type of coating to be treated. Indeed, this is a significant element when evaluating the price of a facade renovation. Note that there are several types of coatings facade walls. The bricks, the woodstone, concrete block, paintthe concrete or facade sanding. For more information, here is a table summarizing the cost of facade renovation according to the type of coating:

The different types of facade claddingAverage price per square meter
Painted house facadeBetween 5 and 30 €
Coating in plasterBetween 12 and 25 €
Cladding facadeBetween 14 and 160 €
stone veneerBetween 28 and 125 €
Exterior walls in masonry (stones or bricks)From 39 €
Facades with picketing and coatingsFrom 45 €

Good to know : these prices are displayed as an approximation. They can change depending on the facade craftsman, the roofer or the company in charge of the work. With this in mind, do not hesitate to ask for a facade renovation quote to find out the exact price.

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