what is the composition of the hemicycle? The complete list of deputies

what is the composition of the hemicycle The complete list

LIST OF DEPUTIES. No party obtained an absolute majority in the legislative elections giving the National Assembly an atypical face. Discover the list of the 577 deputies of the 16th legislature which must begin this June 28.

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[Mis à jour le 21 juin 2022 à 9h59] The 577 deputies elected to the National Assembly during the 2022 legislative elections are known and discover the Palais Bourdon in which they will open the solemn start of the 16th legislature. But this appointment is only made for Tuesday, June 28. Until then, all the political groups meet to choose the name of their president, the one who will be their standard bearer in the hemicycle. And the choice does not look easy for La République en Marche disavowed in the results of the ballot and amputated by a hundred deputies compared to the previous mandate. This time it must rely solely on a relative majority of 245 elected officials and go in search of allies in the opposition groups if it wishes to keep control of national politics. If it is up to Elisabeth Borne, deputy of Calvados and head of government, to start the negotiations, Emmanuel Macron personally takes care of this mission far from the National Assembly. The Head of State and of Macronie meets the leaders of political parties present at the Assembly between June 21 and 22.

The National Assembly presents an unprecedented distribution of forces in the absence of an absolute majority but above all with a small presidential majority and substantial opposition groups: the Nupes coalition, on the left, with 131 deputies and, it is unprecedented, the National Rally as the first opposition group with 89 deputies alone. In such a configuration, it is certain that the debates in the Assembly will be sporting but the majority fears a paralysis of politics in the hemicycle. To avoid this scenario, Elisabeth Borne’s general policy speech, scheduled for July 5, will be crucial, but it should not be accompanied by a vote of confidence, which is too risky at this stage. Already weakened in the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron does not want to lose any more power.

The next five years will be different and certainly more difficult for Emmanuel Macron because after five years of making decisions alone, he will have to deal with two oppositions that are resolutely hostile to him. For Dominique Rousseau, professor of constitutional law at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University, who spoke to AFP, Emmanuel Macron’s second term will be “a five-year term of negotiations, of parliamentary compromises. This is not plus Jupiter who will rule”.

Here is the complete list of the 577 deputies elected to the National Assembly during the legislative elections 2022. It is possible to scroll the rows of the table to discover all the names of the elected officials and their score in the second ballot.

What is the new composition of the National Assembly?

The group of the majority Together! came out on top in these legislative elections, with 245 seats in the Assembly. A victory therefore for Emmanuel Macron, but a victory far from the objective set, the head of state harvests “only” a relative majority during these elections. A result that will force him to make certain alliances, we think in particular of the right of the hemicycle and the group Les Républicains. The Nupes does not obtain either the announced triumph with a little more than 130 deputies against 200 expected. The National Rally achieves the highest score in the history of the party with 89 seats in the National Assembly. With such a score, Marine Le Pen’s party officially becomes the third political force in the country, ahead of the Republicans. Here is a representation of the balances of this new Assembly:

The Republic on the Move and its allies therefore lose a hundred of the 346 LREM deputies placed in the National Assembly in 2017. What to shake the majority and already put the executive, and in particular the Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, in cantilever . If she should staying in Matignon, Elisabeth Borne will be at the head of a government which will have to negotiate all the texts with other political forces. An uncomfortable mission, a symptom of a political defeat and a crisis of confidence two months just after Emmanuel Macron’s presidential victory, already mixed.

Negotiations in the Assembly therefore promise to be longer given that in the French parliamentary system, all decisions must be adopted by an absolute majority. A task that could be more or less complex, the extent of the political blockage depending on the number of deputies that Together! in the elections to achieve an absolute majority. “Below ten, he will easily find the necessary allies to make the count. Above twenty, the task looks much more complicated”, explained for L’Express the CNRS researcher Bruno Cautrès just before the election. . However, more than forty elected officials are missing to reach this majority…

The President of the National Assembly is the fourth personality of the State and is appointed by a secret vote of all elected during the first session of the new National Assembly. This year the election will fall on June 28, 2022, the date of the first public session and the opening of the sixteenth legislature. In addition to a representative role, the President of the National Assembly acts as arbiter during debates between deputies by ensuring compliance with the rules and ensuring equality of speaking time. Patron of the Assembly, he is by extension the president of other internal groups in the chamber such as the Bureau or the Committee for the evaluation and control of public policies, but he is also the president of Congress when Parliament is in complete with the Senate.

The fourth character of the State also has a power of appointment by being able to choose a member of the Constitutional Council at each renewal of the latter but also two of the six people who sit on the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

What is the date and program of the first sitting of the National Assembly?

The 577 new deputies will sit for the first time in the Assembly on Tuesday 28 June at 3 p.m. They will vote to elect the President of the hemicycle and each political group will submit the list of its deputies and relatives and will specify the name of its president. The following day, the President of the Assembly and the presidents of the groups will decide together on the organization of the Bureau and will deal with the candidatures for the functions of vice-president, quaestor and secretary as well as those for the seats of the eight standing committees to be appointed during the public session at 3 p.m. The distribution of seats in the National Assembly will take place on June 30, because each group has its place in the hemicycle.
