The most important organ in the body is the central brain, which sends various signals to other organs to perform their functions. Performance of various vital functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing depends on parts of the brain. Control of nerves and muscles is also done through the brain.
What is the brainstem?
The other name of the brainstem, which consists of 3 different parts, is truncus encephali in Latin. It is located in the lower part of the brain. It undertakes the task of providing emotional and motor innervation of the face and neck through the cranial nerves.
The main function of the brainstem is to connect the brain tissue to other parts of the body. Apart from this, the brainstem connects the cerebellum to the spinal cord and monitors automatic functions such as body temperature, breathing, sleep or wakefulness cycles, digestion, and swallowing.
Where is the brainstem?
The brainstem, located at the bottom of the brain, is just above the neck. It consists of various sections. It supports daily and vital functions such as vision, walking and hearing.
The parts of the brainstem are:
- Midbrain (Mesencephalon): It is the widest and uppermost part.
- Pons (Metencephalon): Located in the front and middle part of the brain stem.
- Medulla oblongatan (Spinal bulb): It is the furthest and narrowest part.
What does the brainstem consist of?
Spinal bulb, midbrain and pons are the structures that make up the brainstem. The brainstem is defined as the combination of these parts. The brainstem and its parts play a very important role in controlling a person’s vital functions.
Brainstem reflexes are the sudden and involuntary motor reactions of the body that help people survive and adapt to changes in their environment. Actions are not consciously planned to be carried out. The brain stem commands the body to do all this.