What is the best position for sleeping?

What is the best position for sleeping

The way we sleep has an impact on health. Maintaining a bad position for several hours can lead to torticollis, a numb arm or sleep apnea. On the back, on the stomach, the side or as a fetus, what is the best position for sleeping?

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According to one British study, 41% of sleepers adopt the position of the fetus to sleep. 28% sleep on the side, 13% on the back and 7% on the belly. However, the position in which we sleep directly impacts the quality of our awakening and can aggravate certain health problems. Here are the pros and cons of each position.

sleep on your back

Sleeping on your back, with your arms on either side of your body, is considered the healthiest position. The body is thus in a neutral position, the neck is well wedged in the pillow (not to be chosen too thick). Plus, you won’t have wrinkled facial skin when you wake up. If the legs are too stretched for your liking, place a small pillow under the knees. Sleeping on your back is however not recommended for people prone to snoring et al’Sleep Apneaas this leads to relaxation of the throat muscles.

Sleep on your stomach

This position is the least suitable: it causes tension in the cervical muscles and a hollowing of the back. Result: a good stiff neck and back pain when you wake up. The weight on the rib cage may also limit breathing capacity. Sleeping on your stomach is also not recommended for pregnant women or women with large breasts. If, despite everything, this is your favorite position, choose a flat pillow so as not to put too much strain on the neck muscles, with a mattress rather firm.

sleep on the side

When you sleep on your side dog rifle, the vertebrae in the neck are not aligned with those in the spine below, which can lead to back problems. It is therefore advisable to choose a pillow thick enough to relieve the pressure on the shoulders and lift one knee to relieve tension in the hips. Sleeping on the same side all the time can also lead to crushed nerves and muscles. You may then wake up with a numb bottom. To avoid this, move your shoulder slightly forward so as not to “trap” your arm.

In fetal position

This position adopted by a majority of people is the most relaxing because it allows the muscles to relax naturally. It would also relieve the reflux gastroesophageal and stomach pains. It is however not ideal. The spine is rounded and the rib cage does not have sufficient amplitude to open, which can interfere with breathing. In this position, it is advisable to straighten one leg and bend the other to relieve the Bowlwith a pillow between the knees.

In any case, try to change position regularly during the night. Thus, the potential muscular tensions are distributed.

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