What is the best fruit against anemia?

What is the best fruit against anemia

Some fruits play a role in prevention and correction of iron deficiency.

Iron is an essential trace element to storage and transport oxygen to organs and tissues. An iron deficiency leads to anemia, that is to say an abnormal decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This manifests itself in the pale face, great fatigue, concentration difficulties, palpitations and dizziness. The treatment of anemia is based on taking tablets and an iron -rich diet.

Fruits can combat anemia in two ways as Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist presents us. Either by providing iron directly, or by maximizing the absorption of iron coming from other foods thanks to their vitamin C content. Iron is essentially present in red meats and offs but it is also hidden in certain fruits. These are not the main sources of iron (the fruits do not contain or really very little) but some can still bring their stone to the building in the prevention and treatment of anemia.

This is the case, for example, of coconut which is the richest iron fruit by displaying a content of 2.43 mg/100gr when it is cool, and 3.46 mg/100g when it is dry. The raisins also contain a small amount of iron (2.4mg/100g), all like dry apricots (1.4mg/100g), or a glass of 100ml of prune juice which brings 1.18mg of iron. The blackcurrant provides 1.17mg/100g. Only downside, dried fruits are very sweet. They must therefore be consumed in the context of a varied and balanced diet.

On the side of fruit rich in vitamin C “It may be interesting to consume them to facilitate the absorption of iron after a meal which contains foods rich in iron (meat, offal, lentils …)” confirms the specialist. In practice, we favor citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemon) as well as kiwis and red fruits (raspberries in particular). “”It would be necessary to consume two to three fruits per day, and raw if possible because vitamin C is sensitive to heat, to maximize its iron intake. In the same way, if you take iron -based food supplements, it is preferable to take them with an pressed orange or a lemon in a hurry to facilitate the absorption of iron“Concludes the dietician-nutritionist.

Thanks to Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist in Paris.
