What is the best facade paint?

What is the best facade paint

Need to renovate the exterior paint of your house? But which product to choose to redo your facade? There are several types of paint intended for exterior walls. The choice depends mainly on several elements. Find out how to choose the right paint for your facade.

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Repainting the exterior walls is one of the main interventions for a facade renovation. According to the law, this operation is mandatory every 10 years. In the event of failure to carry out a renovation of facade painting, the owners are obliged to pay a fine. Note that it is not necessary to wait ten years to repaint the facade. If signs of wear appear, planning this type of project is useful. By repainting the exterior walls, you benefit from a visually pleasing residence. But what paint should be used for a facade?

Choose your facade paint according to the inventory

The state of its facade has a huge influence on the choice of paint to use. Some products do not perfectly repair cracks or camouflage signs of mould. In this regard, it is important to make a diagnostic the state of the facade to choose the right paint. To help you, discover the many tips from facade painting experts:

  • Use pliolite or acrylic paint to renovate a smooth facade.
  • Prefer siloxane paints for a facade often subject to humidity.
  • Choose only thick acrylic to repaint a facade invaded by cracks.

What paint for a facade in excellent condition?

Homeowners have the choice between different types of products to repaint a facade without imperfections. Indeed, many paints are perfectly suited to exterior walls in excellent condition. Among the different paints on the market, you have the choice between:

  • Pure acrylic: this material has an excellent compatibility with old facade paintings. It effectively covers the roughness of the exterior walls.
  • Pliolite: this is a paint only reserved for a very smooth exterior wall. Yes the facade is invaded by small plaster at point, this supply is not indicated. This paint does not have the same covering power as acrylic.
  • Façade resin: this is an excellent choice for repair porous exterior walls. In addition, this product is also recommended for painting facing stones. This exterior paint has a waterproofing power to improve the protection of the exterior walls of a dwelling.

What facade paint for an exterior wall in poor condition?

All facades can deteriorate after several years. Apart from the weather, many stressors damage exterior walls quite easily and quickly. Pollution, the climate changetemperature variations, exposure to radiation from the sunthe rain, theair damp… These various elements lead to the deterioration of a house facade. Cracks and mold appear afterwards and degrade the aesthetic appearance as well as the longevity of the exterior walls.

In the event of repainting a facade in poor condition, special treatments must be provided. Among the solutions most used by professional facade designers are the water-repellent technique. But not only, the specialists also opt for theapplication siloxane paint. This material is ideal for a facade in poor condition. Indeed, it makes it possible to repair the damaged parts and ensures a better resistance as well as sustainability to a facade.

Find the ideal facade paint according to its location

Its area of ​​residence is also an important element to consider when choosing the appropriate facade renovation product. Many forget this criterion. However, the location of its housing is a significant point in determining the ideal paint to use.

  • A acrylic paint is perfect for a residence located in a locality permanently exposed to pollution.
  • Siloxane is best indicated in the case of housing located in an often sunny location. But not only, this type of paint is also suitable for homes located in the wet area.
  • Pliolite paint is ideal for houses located in areas where there is frequent rain, freeze or some storms.

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