What is the age limit for an apprenticeship contract?

What is the age limit for an apprenticeship contract

The apprenticeship contract is a mixed formula, interspersing periods in a company and in a training organization. It is a form of work-study program that allows students to learn a trade, both theoretically and practically during periods in a company. What is the age limit for this type of contract?

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L’learning is more and more popular in recent years as training for young students or adults in professional retraining. The costs of the training are borne by the company and the intern receives a salary, fixed by contract. It is therefore a great way to learn while ensuring a regular income.

You will find all the official information on the website of public service French.

What is the apprenticeship contract?


The apprenticeship contract is generally for a limited period. It is then similar to a CDD (Fixed Term Contract). Its duration must be between 6 months and 3 years. For the disabled employees, the maximum duration can go up to 4 years. However, there is also the possibility of signing an indefinite apprenticeship, such as a CDI (Permanent Contract). But it is rarer.

Training site

An apprenticeship can be carried out in a company and in a CFA (Apprentice Training Center). The student is in charge of finding himself a host company that can train him in the new profession of his choice. The application processes are very similar to those of a job search classic.

What are the conditions of the apprenticeship contract?


The minimum age to enter an apprenticeship contract is 16 years old. It may exceptionally be lowered to 15 years if the young person has reached this age between the start of the school year and December 31 of the calendar year, and has completed his year of 3e. The maximum age is over 29, that is to say until the day before the person turns 30.

Special cases up to 34 years

However, there are some exceptional cases where the maximum age can be revised to 34 years old, that is to say until the eve of his 35 years. Among them :

  • the student wants to sign a new contract in order to access a higher level of qualification than the one he has already obtained;
  • the previous contract of the student apprentice was terminated for reasons beyond his control, or for physical and temporary incapacity.

Special cases without age limit

Finally, in some cases, there is no age limit for signing an apprenticeship contract. Let’s discover them together:

  • the student is a disabled worker;
  • the student plans to create or take over a business requiring the obtaining of a diploma (Acre, Nacre or Cape individual assistance system for example);
  • the student is a person registered as a high level athlete;
  • the student does not obtain the diploma or professional title concerned. In this case, the apprenticeship can be extended for a maximum of 1 year with a new contract with another employer.

To summarize, the age limit for signing an apprenticeship contract is 29, but there are some special cases where this ceiling can be extended. Check your situation to estimate the compatibility of your profile with an apprenticeship contract.

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