What is the 80-20 method?

What is the 80 20 method

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    To put an end to diets, which are often ineffective, there is a method called 80/20. This magic formula makes it possible to find a dietary balance between healthy recipes and pleasurable meals. We explain everything about this method which should help you find your ideal weight without depriving you.

    Exit diets, which ultimately make you regain your lost pounds. The 80/20 method aims to help you rebalance your diet for the long term. It is not a diet, but new food habits to adopt. The main goal is to lose weight and stabilize it. No more yoyo effect due to low calorie diets and weight gain during food rebalancing.

    The user manual is simple. It is a question of composing 80% of its meals with balanced recipes and the remaining 20% ​​with “pleasure foods”. With this approach, you are entitled, for example, to two cheat meal meals per week.

    This method is based on the Pareto principle. According to this law, described by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, “about 80% of the effects are the product of only 20% of the causes”. These observations can also be seen in the world of work, in the economy and in food.

    The method requires eating a balanced diet 80% of the time. Fruits, vegetables, vegetable proteins, legumes, meat or fish will therefore make up 80% of your plates. You have to eat a variety of foods, in appropriate quantities and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

    For the remaining 20%, indulge yourself with a rich diet that brings you pleasure. Burgers, crisps, chocolate, aperitif, pizza… there are no forbidden foods as long as the quantities remain reasonable.

    To accentuate the effects, you can practice a sports activity such as walking, running or even yoga.

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