What is that area of ​​the body that you always forget to moisturize?

What is that area of ​​the body that you always

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Caroline Pouget (Dermatologist)

    Although hydrating the body is important on a daily basis, there is a sensitive area that we regularly forget. However, it deserves our full attention. What is it and how to take care of it? The answer from dermatologist Caroline Pouget.

    To maintain its health and radiance, your skin needs to be hydrated daily. As such, a whole arsenal exists: moisturizing creams, balms, oils… make up our routine. And yet, in this crucial step, we often forget a central area.

    The chest, a sensitive area that we think too little about

    This area is the chest, which often escapes moisturizer. However, it is not the part of the body where the skin is the most resistant, quite the contrary. Gentleness and protection would therefore be welcome.

    The chest is an area with sensitive skin that tends to sag quite easily” explains Dr Caroline Puget, dermatologist and member of our committee of experts. “And the larger your chest and distended skin, the greater the risk of your skin sagging.”

    Our breasts therefore deserve all our attention and daily care, “especially since in terms of an aesthetic doctor it is not an area that can really be touched in depth with a laser, like the arms or the buttocks. We rarely touch the chest.”

    What products should you apply to your chest?

    Taking care of this chest should therefore be part of our daily hydration routine and many products and actions can help you:

    “The idea is on the one hand to keep a sporting activity to maintain the pectoral muscles and keep a high chest, on the other hand to use very moisturizing things, like oils, balms or “bust” creams. which contain elastin, remaining rigorous and constant in their application” advises our expert.

    To this is obviously added the use of UV protection in the event of sun exposure.with the 50++ index, and if we can avoid exposure, that’s even better,” she concludes.
