what is “shutdown”? L’Express explains everything to you

what is shutdown LExpress explains everything to you

This week, Hélène Vissière, correspondent for L’Express in the United States, explains to you what the “shutdown” is that threatens American institutions every fall.


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The team: Mathias Penguilly (presentation and writing), Théo Sire (editing) and Jules Krot (production).

Sources: BFMTV/Euronews/France Info/RTL/France 24/Europe 1

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: WIN MCNAMEE

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Mathias Penguilly: If I’m not mistaken Hélène, “shutdown” means “closure” in English… When we talk about “shutdown” in Washington… What type of closure are we talking about?

Hélène Vissière : The closure of part of the American federal administration (just that!). This means that public services financed by the federal state no longer operate and must lower the curtain…

For further

United States: “shutdown” avoided at the last minute after the adoption of an emergency measure

United States: what would be the consequences of a new “shutdown”?
