What is sexsomnia, this sexual disorder mentioned by YouTuber Léo Grasset?

What is sexsomnia this sexual disorder mentioned by YouTuber Leo

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    While he was placed in police custody on Monday for acts of sexual harassment, videographer Léo Grasset defended himself by claiming to suffer from sexual somnambulism. What is sexsomnia?

    Léo Grasset, one of the most popular youtubers of the moment, is accused of sexual assault by several young women. But, in his defense, the young man claims to be suffering from a particular form of somnambulism – sexsomnia. What is this rare disorder? And how does it manifest? Let’s do a check in.

    An obsessive desire for sex in the middle of the night

    Little known, sexsomnia is a sleep disorder that manifests itself by an obsessive desire for sex while sleeping. This pathology can manifest itself by a simple moan, movements of the pelvis, a session of masturbation, or even by attempts at penetration.

    The difference between a simple nocturnal sex session and this sexual disorder lies in the fact that the “sexomniac” is not conscious. In the early morning, he/she will not remember past torrid events.

    Consequences that can be extremely serious

    If sexsomnia is still taboo, the disease should not be taken lightly.

    Indeed, according to a Canadian study, this disease can be particularly extreme (in 8% of cases).

    The sexsomniac then attacks his or her partner – sometimes even his own children. He then tries to have sex without consent.

    A disorder that concerns three times more men than women, according to the Canadian study.

    There are precautions to be taken to avoid tragedies. Do not sleep with children for example.”, believes Isabelle Arnulf, specialist in sleep disorders at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, interviewed by Obs.

    Consult a doctor online for your sleep disorders

    Sexsomnia: no treatment available

    If the diagnosis of the disease is easily made – using recordings of sleep in the laboratory – on the side of the treatments, it is nil.

    Patients can only work on their lifestyle – trying to make it as healthy as possible – and on the triggering factors of the disease (alcohol, sleep apnea, fatigue, etc.).

    They must also inform their partners about the nature and consequences of this sexual disorder.
