What is psychology?

What is psychology

74,000 psychologists practice in France. Most are specialized in one area and they can work in various universes. Focus on psychology.

Definition: what is psychology?

psychology is a discipline of the humanities and social sciencesin the same way as sociology or history” defines Marjorie Roques, University Professor in Clinical Psychopathology, Co-director of the psychology department, Co-responsible for the Master’s degree in psychology, at the University of Burgundy (UB). The word psychology comes from the Greek psukhe (meaning soul or spirit) and logos (meaning language, reason, science, ordered speech).Psychology aims to understand the human being in its complexity, in traumatic or everyday situations.“informs Marjorie Roques.

What do we study in psychology?

Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of the behavior of human beings and their mental processes.It aims to study behaviors and the psyche, on a continuum from normal to pathological“explains our expert.

What are the different types of psychology?

Psychology is characterized by great diversity. There are several major areas: psychopathology, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, health psychology, work psychology, sports psychology. “Each area of ​​psychology preferentially focuses on an aspect of human functioning.” explains Marjorie Roques. Cognitive psychology seeks to understand the cognitive processes (or mechanisms or mental operations) necessary to carry out many intellectual activities. “Clinical psychology considers unconscious processes, neuropsychology further studies the neurological processes involved in disease“explains our specialist. “Most psychology licenses in France offer training in these different specialties” she clarifies.

What are the professions of psychology?

The license in psychology has no professional aim and students who have followed this course can take the competitions to become a teacher or special educator, for example. Students who have a master’s degree in psychology and therefore the title of psychology practice in the fields of health, justice, research, education, precariousness or social engineering. There are psychologists in health establishments (hospital, EHPAD for example), in the judicial police, child protection services, in schools (Psychologists of National Education) etc.

Thanks to Marjorie Roques, University Professor in Clinical Psychopathology, Co-director of the Department of Psychology, Co-responsible for the Master’s degree in Psychology, at the University of Burgundy (UB).
