What is Progeria (premature aging disease) and what causes it? Is there a treatment for Progeria disease?

It will take place on April 8 Warning from scientists

Progeria is most often caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene. The LMNA gene is responsible for the production of lamin A protein, one of the structural components of proteins in the cell nucleus. This mutation affects the cells’ normal functions and ability to divide, causing signs of premature aging.

What is Progeria (premature aging disease)?

We can answer the question “What is Progeria?” as follows:

Progeria is a rare genetic disease also known as “Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome”. The answer to the question of what causes progeria disease is that it is caused by a mutation in the “LMNA” gene. So a mutation in the gene causes progeria. Progeria patients are born as normal babies, but they age rapidly as they get older. The average life expectancy of progeria patients is 13 years.

What are the symptoms of Progeria disease?

Symptoms of progeria usually appear in the child’s first two years of life. These symptoms may include:

  • Children with progeria may grow slower than typical growth and development rates for their age.
  • Short stature and low body weight are common symptoms.
  • Signs of premature aging are observed in children with progeria. These may include wrinkles, hair loss, baldness, thin and hard skin, joint stiffness, and weakening of bones.
  • Progeria is particularly associated with heart disease.
  • Problems such as heart muscle weakness, stiffness and blockages in the arteries are common in children.
  • Often, progeria causes patients to die at an early age from heart-related complications such as heart failure or stroke.
  • Progeria is also associated with a variety of other symptoms, such as fat metabolism problems, bone abnormalities, dental problems, and eye changes.

Is premature aging disease genetic?

We can give the following answer to the question of whether progeria is genetic:

Yes, Progeria is a genetic disease. The disease is usually caused by a random mutation, meaning it is not inherited. The disease is genetic but not inherited, meaning that a child born to parents with Progeria has a very low risk of developing Progeria.

Is there a treatment for Progeria disease?

We can answer the question of whether there is a treatment for progeria as follows:

There is currently no cure for this disease. However, studies to improve patients’ survival and quality of life continue. Progeria is currently an incurable disease, but supportive treatments are available to manage symptoms and prevent complications. These include monitoring heart diseases, paying attention to nutrition, exercise, and medications to improve quality of life. Research continues to make progress in treating progeria, but it is not currently possible to completely cure this disease.

How long does a progeria patient live?

Symptoms of progeria usually appear in the child’s first 2 years of age. These symptoms may include slow growth and development, signs of premature aging (wrinkles, hair loss, thin skin, etc.), heart diseases and bone abnormalities. Unfortunately, the average life expectancy of progeria patients is 13-14 years. However, some patients can live until the age of 20.

Is Progeria disease present in Turkey?

Progeria disease also exists in Turkey. It is estimated that there will be 4 Progeria patients in Turkey as of 2023. One of these patients is 9-year-old Veysel Çözvelioğlu, who lives in Ankara.

This information is for informational purposes only. If you have a medical question, it is important to consult your doctor.
