What is neural therapy in migraine, is neural therapy used in the treatment of migraine with aura? Is neural therapy good for migraine?

There are many migraine patients both in the world and in our country. This disease, whose attacks are very severe, reflects poorly on the quality of life of individuals. Many patients, who are tired of these bad attacks, resort to different treatments.

What causes migraine and migraine attacks?

Headache is only one of the symptoms of migraine. In addition, every headache should not be confused with migraine. Many patients who were admitted to the hospital with migraine complaints encountered other reasons. Even if the cause of migraine is still not fully revealed, it is thought to occur as a result of an imbalance of chemicals in the blood vessels in the brain and the nerve conduction system in the brain. Most migraine patients have an average of 3-4 attacks in a month. These attacks, which the patients suffer from, can sometimes last up to 4 hours and sometimes up to 3 days.

What is neural therapy in migraine?

Neural therapy, which was found during the treatment of a migraine patient in the 1920s, is a treatment applied throughout the world and in our country since 2008. Neural therapy is a treatment with short local anesthetic needles. It is based on the autonomic reorganization of the nervous system. Side effects are almost negligible and can be applied to people of all age groups, including pregnant women. Neural therapy has significantly increased the chances of success in the treatment of migraine patients. Neural therapy applications can be used in migraine treatment. Migraine neural therapy treatment can also be supported by combined treatment methods such as medication, chelation, and manual therapy, depending on the degree of the disease. Neural therapy is a treatment method that can be used in headache disorders.

Cluster headache is a severe type of headache that usually starts on one side of the head or around the eyes. The reason why this headache is called “cluster type” is that the pain experienced is clustered in the form of attacks in the individual. It is the period when the patient has a headache followed by a pain-free period. After that, the pain attack occurs again. This is called a cluster headache. Cluster headache treatment can be done with neural therapy applications. Although there are many serious reasons behind it, it is important to see a doctor if you experience this headache, which usually indicates migraine.

Is neural therapy used in the treatment of migraine with aura?

To describe migraine with aura by analogy, it is a kind of precursor earthquake for migraine. It refers to neurological losses that occur earlier than headaches seen by patients. If the patient does not experience this vision problem, nausea and auras before experiencing migraine attacks, this is a simple migraine. This simple migraine is more common in women. In this case of migraine, bilateral or unilateral headache is encountered. Migraine attacks, which started with symptoms such as vomiting, vision problems, aura, and mostly developed as unilateral headache, were observed in 10% of the patients. The first attack in this form of migraine generally begins after the age of 40 and continues for 3 to 6 hours. Migraine with aura is one of the diseases treated with neural therapy.
