Surgical removal of myomas, which are benign tumors in the uterus, is called myoma surgery. It is usually done laparoscopically and recovery time is shortened. Open surgery may be preferred for larger myomas. Surgery duration varies between 1-3 hours. If fibroids are left untreated, they can cause problems such as excessive bleeding, pain and infertility. Risks may include infection and bleeding, but the success rate is high by experienced surgeons.
What is myoma surgery?
Myoma surgery is the surgical removal of myomas, which are benign tumors in the uterus. It is usually done laparoscopically, so the recovery time is shorter and the scars are smaller. In some cases, open surgery may also be preferred. Surgery is performed to treat fibroids that cause problems such as excessive bleeding, pain, or infertility.
How is myoma surgery performed?
Myoma surgery is usually performed by laparoscopic or open surgery. In the laparoscopic method, myomas are removed with small incisions and the recovery time is shortened. Open surgery is preferred for large myomas and a larger incision is made. Surgery is planned according to the size and number of fibroids.
How long does myoma surgery take?
Myoma surgery usually takes between 1-3 hours. The duration varies depending on the number and size of myomas and the surgical method used. While procedures performed with laparoscopic method can be completed in a shorter time, surgeries performed with open surgery generally take longer because a larger incision is made.
Is myoma surgery risky?
Although myoma surgery is generally safe, there are some risks, as with any surgical procedure. These may include bleeding, infection, organ damage, and anesthesia-related complications. Surgeries performed by laparoscopic method may carry lower risks than open surgery. However, risks are minimized with the procedure performed by an experienced surgeon.
Is myoma surgery difficult?
Myoma surgery is generally not a difficult procedure when performed by expert surgeons, but the risk of complications may vary depending on the patient’s condition. Before and after myoma surgery Proper preparation and care is important because the healing process may vary from patient to patient.