What is Multiple (Dissociative) Personality Disorder? What causes multiple personality disorder?

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Multiple personality disorder commonly suggests that it may occur in response to traumatic experiences. Emotional stress resulting from tragic events can lead to the development of different personalities as a mechanism to protect the individual’s mental integrity. Multiple personality disorder may be an interesting example that contributes to our understanding of the complexity and diversity of psychological disorders, but a clear causal relationship remains elusive and needs extensive research. Although the causes of multiple personality disorder are still not fully understood, it is often associated with severe traumatic experiences, especially sexual, physical or emotional abuse during childhood.

What is multiple personality disorder?

Multiple personality disorder, also known as dissociative personality disorder, is a psychological disorder in which a person has more than one different identity. These identities may have different names, ages, genders, personality traits and backgrounds. Dissociative personality disorder is thought to be a defense mechanism developed by a person to forget or cope with past trauma. The traumatic event is usually childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect. Symptoms of multiple personality disorder include:

  • Having more than one different identity
  • Different identities not recognizing or remembering each other
  • Experiencing memory loss during identity changes
  • Engaging in behavior that could harm oneself or others

What causes multiple personality disorder?

Multiple personality disorder is a psychological disorder in which a person has more than one distinct identity. Although the causes of multiple personality disorder are not fully known, the following factors are thought to play a role:

  • Childhood trauma: Multiple personality disorder is often associated with trauma experienced in childhood. Traumatic events are usually events such as sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect. These traumatic events can cause a person’s mind to develop a defense mechanism to protect itself from remembering or experiencing these events.
  • Genetic factors: Some research suggests that multiple personality disorder may also be affected by genetic factors.
  • Structural and functional differences of the brain: Some studies have shown structural and functional differences in the brains of people with multiple personality disorder. These differences can affect how a person processes traumatic experiences.

Multiple personality disorder is a rare disorder. According to the World Health Organization, multiple personality disorder occurs in approximately 1% of the population. People with multiple personality disorder may experience the following problems:

  • Social Isolation
  • Problems at work and school
  • Problems in close relationships
  • substance abuse
  • Suicide risk

Multiple personality disorder can get better with the right treatment. However, it should be noted that treatment can last a long time and significantly improve the person’s quality of life.

What is the difference between schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder?

Schizophrenia It is a mental health problem that affects a person’s perception of reality, thoughts, feelings and behavior. People with schizophrenia may experience symptoms such as hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling things that do not actually exist), delusions (false or unreal thoughts), and disorganized speech and behavior. multiple personality disorder It is a psychological disorder in which a person has more than one different identity. These identities may have different names, ages, genders, personality traits and backgrounds. People with multiple personality disorder may experience memory loss during identity changes.

Schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder are both serious and complex mental disorders. However, there are some important differences between these two disorders. Schizophrenia causes symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech and behavior. Multiple personality disorder causes symptoms such as identity changes, memory loss and split personality. Schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder can often be treated similarly with medication or psychotherapy. Schizophrenia is a disease that usually lasts a lifetime. Multiple personality disorder can be cured with the right treatment.
