What is Metaphor? What Does Metaphoric Mean?

What is Metaphor What Does Metaphoric Mean

Metaphor is a word that has started to be used very widely today. Many people use this word and even fulfill it, but do not know what it is. What is a metaphor for you in our article today? What does metaphoric mean? We will answer your questions.

Metaphor is a method of comparing two things that do not have the same meaning and are completely unrelated but have similar characteristics. To be more explanatory, it is the case of comparing two unrelated things in terms of only one or a few similar characteristics.

The word metaphor was later transferred to our language from French. The root of the word is in Greek. “transport, transfer” means “metaphorIt comes from the word “.

  • It improves one’s features such as thinking and creativity.
  • It makes abstract meanings concrete.
  • It makes education more permanent.
  • It improves problem solving ability.

The word metaphorical is used for words and meanings in metaphor. Metaphor is the name of the event, but the situations related to the metaphorical metaphor event are called.

  • Don’t give up, life is a long marathon.
  • Sometimes you have to play the three monkeys to avoid getting hurt.
  • It’s choking me now that you keep asking questions like interrogations.

Metaphor means skew. It is often known as a simile, but there is a difference with a simile. It is used to express a problem in another way. They are metaphors that are used to compare, compare and explain something with another thing. Metaphor is also widely used in education.

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