What is Lettari, why and how is it diagnosed? Letter Symptoms and Treatment

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The feeling of drowsiness says that people feel significantly -free and tired. Lack of energy is often linked to situations such as nutrition habits, intense exercise and insomnia. However, in some cases, this can be a harbinger of various health problems. In cases where the process of drowsiness and weakness lasts more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to discuss with a specialist doctor.

What is Lettarji?

Lettarji is a situation in which people minimize their daily life activities in a way that depends on the desire and non -energy desire to sleep. Significant drowsiness in the feeling of lettarji, fatigueburnout and exhaustion.

Factors such as changes in one’s brain functions, alcohol, blood sugar balance, dehydration, stress, depression may cause lethalgia. Symptoms of lettari are severe exhaustion, a sense of burnout, a continuous desire to sleep and a low motivation.

If the lettargue condition should be treated, the reasons underlying this condition are determined first. Then the treatment plan for the disease is determined.

Why does lettarji?

Most of the causes of lethal are often deterioration in brain functions. Among the causes of deterioration of brain functions are alcohol poisoning, blood sugar imbalances, brain hemorrhage, brain hemorrhage, stress, depression, dehydration, and excessive doses of some drugs.

How to diagnose Lettarji?

Lettarji is not a disease, but a symptom seen. Letarji can often be seen as a sign of certain disease and health problems. These symptoms are examined and the disease may be detected in order to diagnose lethal. Blood, urine and imaging tests may be requested in order to detect possible health problems for the symptoms of lethal.

How about letargi treatment?

First of all, the underlying reasons for the treatment of letargi are identified and a treatment process is determined. Psychological help and medical procedures are often applied in the treatment of letargi, while lifestyle changes may be requested. At the end of this treatment process, it is aimed to increase one’s energy and to occur positive changes in mental and physical health.
