What Is Known About the ‘Sneaky’ Species of Omicron?

Tension is rising in the region Bidens counterattack

Experts and health authorities around the world are closely following a new strain of the Omicron variant of the Corona virus. This species has been detected in more than 40 countries, including the USA.

The new strain, which experts call BA.2, is described as more insidious than the original version of the Omicron variant. This is because Omicron’s new strain is hard to detect. Some experts are worried that this strain may be more contagious than Omicron’s original.

However, scientists note that there are many unknowns about BA.2, including whether the virus breaks the vaccine resistance more easily or causes more severe disease.

Where was the new strain of Omicron spotted?

Since mid-November, approximately 40 countries have uploaded approximately 15 thousand genetic sequences of the BA.2 virus to the Corona virus global data sharing platform GISAID. As of January 25, it was announced that 96 of these lineups came from the United States.

Pathologist from Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. “We haven’t seen it begin to settle in the US yet,” Wesley Long said of the new strain of Omicron. The hospital has identified three cases of BA.2 so far.

The BA.2 mutation is more common in Asia and Europe. Statens Serum Institute under the Danish Ministry of Health reported that 45 percent of the Corona infection cases detected in Denmark in mid-January were Omicron’s BA.2 strain, and this rate was recorded as 20 percent at the beginning of January.

What has been learned about Omicron’s BA.2 strain?

BA.2 has a large number of mutations. About 20 of these mutations are reported to occur in the protrusions of the virus, known as spike proteins, which form the outer surface of the virus. But BA.2 also has other genetic changes not seen in the original version of Omicron.

University of Massachusetts Medical School virologist Dr. Jeremy Luban said it’s not clear how serious these mutations are, especially for those with the original Omicron experience.

The original version known as BA.1 and the new strain called BA.2 are currently considered subclasses of Omicron. However, global health authorities may choose to name this virus with a letter from the Greek alphabet, if BA.

The rapid spread of BA.2 in some areas has raised concerns that the virus may be on its way to becoming the dominant variant.

Pathologist Dr. “There are indications that BA.2 is as contagious as, or perhaps slightly more, than the original of Omicron because in some regions it competes with the original of Omicron. But we do not know why,” said Wesley Long.

Initial analyzes by experts in Denmark revealed no difference in hospitalization between the original version of Omicron and the BA.2 strain. Studies on the contagiousness of BA.2 in Denmark and how effective the vaccines are against this strain are still ongoing. It is not yet clear how effective treatment methods will be against BA.2.

Doctors also do not know for sure whether those infected with the Omicron variant will become sick again with BA.2. However, experts think that a person who was previously infected with Omicron’s original may have a milder illness if they later contracted BA.2.

Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Daniel Kuritzkes said that having enough of the two versions of Omicron in common offers those infected with the virus’ original “the possibility of cross-protecting against BA.

Dr. Kuritzkes noted that the antibodies developed against the infection caused by Omicron’s original “have done tests in the laboratory to see if it also inactivates BA.2.”

How concerned are healthcare institutions?

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies Omicron as an “anxious variant” used for the most serious of Corona virus mutations, but does not consider BA.2 as a stand-alone variant. However, the WHO notes that due to the spread of BA.2 in some countries, research on this species should be “prioritized”.

The UK Health Security Agency has designated BA.2 as a “variant under investigation” due to the increase in cases detected in the country and internationally. In the UK, he says, the original version of Omicron remains the dominant variant.

Why is BA.2 more difficult to detect?

Certain genetic features of the original version of Omicron allowed health authorities to easily distinguish Omicron from the previous variant, Delta.

However, BA.2 does not have the same genetic traits as Omicron’s original. Pathologist Dr. That’s why in the PCR test, BA.2 looks like a Delta variant, Wesley Long says.

What should be done to be protected from BA.2?

Doctors repeat the same warnings they have made so far; get vaccinated, follow mask use guidelines, avoid crowds, and stay home when sick.

Dr. “Vaccines still continue to provide good defense against severe illness, hospitalization and death. Even if you have had Covid-19 before, the protection you will get from the vaccine will be stronger and longer-term,” Long said.

The emergence of a new version of Omicron reminds us that the pandemic is not over yet.

Dr. “We all wish the pandemic to end, but until we vaccinate the whole world, we will continue to risk the emergence of new variants,” Long said.
