Kepone syndrome is a group of symptoms that workers in a chlordecone manufacturing plant in the United States showed in the mid-1970s. What were the treatments?
Definition: what is Kepone syndrome?
Kepone syndrome refers to a set of unrest demonstrated by workers at the Hopewell chlordecone manufacturing plant in Virginia in the United States in the mid-1970s. This syndrome was observed when the body burden of chlordecone exceeded 1 mg per L of blood. “On the other hand, this syndrome has never been observed, described or reported in the West Indies, which suggests that the levels of exposure, including banana agricultural workers, have never reached this threshold., comments Dr. Luc Multigner, epidemiologist researcher at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), specialist in the question of chlordecone. .
Why is it associated with chlordecone?
Chlordecone has been used as pesticide in the banana plantations of Guadeloupe and Martinique for more than twenty years (from 1972 to 1993 exactly) in order to fight against the banana weevil, one of the main insect pests of banana trees. The surrounding areas were also affected, contaminating in particular water, soil, vegetables, fish and eggs. Toxic to humans, chlordecone is a endocrine disruptor. It also affects the nervous system. Published in 2021, the Inserm pesticides and health expert report concluded that the causal relationship between exposure to chlordecone and the risk of developing prostate cancer is likely. The Timoun study, conducted between 2004 and 2007 among 1,068 pregnant women, established an association between exposure to chlordecone and prematurity.
What are the symptoms ?
“The Kepone syndrome resulted in neurological disorders (limb tremors, changes in mood and recent memory, anarchic movements of the eyeballs), liverworts (increased liver size) and testicular. These symptoms appeared following a very high exposure to this molecule, consequences of poor health and safety conditions at work. These signs and symptoms gradually disappeared over time as their body chlordecone burden decreased.”details the specialist.
What are the treatments ?
“Treatment was symptomatic. Those most at risk received treatment with cholestyraminewhich increased the elimination of chlordecone from the body“, says Dr. Luc Multigner.
Thank you to Dr. Luc Multigner, epidemiologist researcher at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), specialist in the question of chlordecone.
– Studies intended to identify the dangers and health risks associated with exposure to chlordecone, March 2, 2023, Institute for Research in Health, Environment and Work (irset)
– Pesticides: Effects on health, September 19, 2017, Inserm