What is indie sleaze, the current trend that celebrates the “shabby bohemian” look?

What is indie sleaze the current trend that celebrates the

It’s time to bring out the faux fur coats and groupie T-shirts. The nonchalant grunge trend, which, thanks to Kate Moss, ruled the first decade of the 21st century, is back.

Could the era of mustache tank tops, galaxy leggings and lensless Ray-Bans be back? In any case, this is what the consumer behavior analysis site says Stylight. The name of this trend: “indie sleaze”, which translates as “shabby bohemian”, or, less trashy, “sloppy bohemian”.

“Leather jackets, ripped tights and low-rise jeans… The fashion trend of the moment is to be”

To stick with the fashion mood of the moment, Stylight recommends matching your groupie T-shirt (+ 49% of searches on the Internet between 1er January 2023 and October 31, 2023) with her long-sleeved striped top and her low-rise jeans. A style that Jenna Lee would not have denied, at the height of her glory in 2010.

Faux fur and extra fine scarf

Kate Moss at the Glastonbury music festival on June 25, 2010 © by RRAA/ZOB/ZDS/WENN.COM/SIPA

More rock than the French singer, the icons of the genre are called Kate Moss “Cocaine Kate” era, Alexa Chung at Glastonbury and the Olsen twins gothic period. Remember: the Strokes, the BB Brunes and the Babyshambles play on repeat in the iPods, the Gibus and the Palladium Bus sell out every night and the Alexander McQueen skull scarves complete the fashionistas’ uniform. So in the wake of the muses indie sleaze, we adopt the leopard print coat, colorful faux fur jackets and leather jackets. As for accessories, imposing jewelry, very thin scarves and tinted sunglasses are ranked in the top 3 of Stylight searches of the moment. In the shoe department, the hegemony of ballerinas is over. Thin-soled Converse sneakers and Dr. Martens ankle boots are back. Stylight’s latest observation, the number of clicks for “shorts with tights underneath” has been steadily increasing in recent months. Fashion, an eternal beginning.
