What is hijama pen, how is it used? What does the hijama pen do?

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Hijama, which is accepted as an alternative treatment method in many countries around the world, is a traditional practice. Today, it is applied in more modern conditions with the developing technology. The procedure is carried out in line with the articles within the scope of the Regulation on Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and it is allowed to be carried out by experts in sufficiently sterile environments. Another name is cupping therapy. This is because one of the materials used during the process is objects called mugs or glasses. As with every alternative treatment method, there are some negative side effects for the cupping process. For this reason, applying this method without consulting a doctor may result in serious and irreversible results.

What is a hijama pen?

Within the scope of cupping application, one of the tools used other than the mug made of materials such as glass or bamboo is the cupping pen. The cupping pen is a tool with disposable needles, single-needle or triple-needle models. The needle is generally made of steel. It consists of a plastic handle and protection cap parts. Flat grinding and stainless steel material should be used. Polyethylene material is recommended for the protective cap and plastic handle. Lancet needles of G26 and G28 thickness are generally used for the cupping pen. The G28 is a thinner build, while the G26 is a slightly thicker needle. It is often preferred in terms of hygiene and ease of use.

How to use hijama pen?

When using the hijama pen, the front part must be removed first. The needle should be inserted into the slot made for the needle. At this point, care should be taken to bring the protective cap outwards. The protective cap should be removed by turning it slightly. Attention should be paid to the front part and the needle tip. It is extremely important to sterilize the needle of the pen before use. Disposable needles should be thrown away after the procedure. Disinfection of other parts should also be done. In the cupping process, approximately five cups are placed on the treated area according to the patient’s complaint. After waiting for a while, the scratches are removed with the help of a cupping pen. Care is taken that the scratches do not penetrate the tissue under the skin.

Where is the cupping pen used?

In general, the cupping pen, which is produced with single and three needles, can be used for different purposes. In the cupping process, today cupping pen is preferred instead of the old type cutter products. After the cupping pen has been sufficiently sterilized, it can be used in the hand, standing and face. While using it, care should be taken to make superficial touches. In this way, it is aimed to leave no traces in the region. The cupping pen can be used in narrow places such as hands, face, ankles, like cupping made with a cup. In addition, a cupping pen can be used for children.
