What is hair mesotherapy, how is it done? Does mesotherapy grow hair, to whom can hair mesotherapy be applied?

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The process of injecting various substances into the middle layer of the scalp can be given as an answer to the question of what is hair mesotherapy. These substances meet the protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that the body needs. This nourishing mixture can be applied to the whole or a certain part of the scalp. Thanks to the injection process, the hair follicles are fed, the hair becomes stronger and healthier. Thus, both shedding is reduced and hair formation is supported.

How is hair mesotherapy done?

Mesotherapy stands out as a procedure that can also be applied to the scalp and is a treatment method preferred by many patients. “What is hair mesotherapy and how is it done?” The questions are quite intriguing. This application is performed by experts without surgery. It is applied in sessions and is the injection of ingredients that support hair growth into the scalp. The content of the injection substance is determined according to the problem experienced by the patient, skin type and sensitivities. These mixtures contain especially B group vitamins, zinc, coenzymes, copper, amino acids and hyaluronic acid.

In hair mesotherapy, the scalp is first softened with a steam bath. In this way, the cells are more open. Thanks to the mixture and treatment specially prepared for the person, it is possible to get faster results. This liquid mixture, which is prepared with the help of injectors or mesotherapy guns, is injected into a certain area or all of the scalp. In the hair mesotherapy application, people do not feel pain or pain as micro-sized injections are made. Since it does not involve a surgical procedure, people can return to their daily life after hair mesotherapy. With regular and effective hair mesotherapy, hair loss can be greatly reduced.

What does hair mesotherapy do?

Hair mesotherapy benefits are especially important in terms of preventing hair loss. It is possible to see the effect of this process even in the first session. The benefits of mesotherapy, which supports new and healthy hair follicles, can be listed as follows:

  • The blood circulation in the scalp can be accelerated.
  • Problems such as dandruff and dryness on the scalp can be cured.
  • Hair loss and regional shedding can be eliminated.
  • Hair roots can be strengthened and hair formation is supported.
  • Hair density can be increased and a shiny appearance can be achieved.
  • Lightness is seen during combing and styling the hair.
  • Since it is a painless and painless procedure, it is possible to return to daily life in a short time.
  • Since the activity of the sebaceous glands is reduced, the hair stays clean longer and looks voluminous.
  • It makes existing hair strands stronger, thicker and healthier.
  • It nourishes the hair follicles that are dormant under the skin and revitalizes the hair strands.

Does mesotherapy remove hair?

Hair mesotherapy has become a more frequently used treatment method, especially in recent years. However, it is very important that this application is carried out only by dermatologists who are experts in their field. Non-physicians may make wrong practices because they cannot analyze the scalp, needs, diseases and sensitivities of the patients. This can cause further damage to the scalp. “Does mesotherapy remove hair?” The answer can be yes to the question. With the hair mesotherapy application, the dormant roots under the scalp are awakened. However, it is not possible for people who do not have hair to grow their hair with mesotherapy. Hair regrowth in balding skins is only possible with transplantation. Existing hair follicles that do not grow/grow because they are dormant can be stimulated with mesotherapy, but it is not possible to stimulate a root that does not exist.

Who can be applied hair mesotherapy?

After getting enough information about mesotherapy and hair applications, it is investigated who can apply this procedure. Hair mesotherapy; It is very effective for the treatment of hair-related health problems, especially hair loss. This treatment can be used alone or in addition to various medical treatments for the treatment of many problems related to the hair and scalp. In general, mesotherapy for hair is applied to the following people:

  • Those who lose their hair due to reasons such as stress, seasonal changes, metabolism factors, vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Those who have thinning and weakened hair
  • Those who experience male pattern and genetic hair loss
  • Those with dandruff and dry scalp
  • People experiencing regional hair loss and thinning

When does hair mesotherapy give results?

Mesotherapy treatment in hair loss can take between 7 and 11 sessions on average. This period varies depending on the person’s condition. The treatment, which is applied intensively at the beginning, is then supported by the preventive treatment. Generally, the first sessions are organized once a week. Then, the session will be done once a month. After the treatment is over, protection sessions such as one or two sessions per year are continued to protect the hair follicles. The duration of each session is 40-50 minutes on average. In the first session, it is necessary to analyze the scalp of the patient. A personalized treatment plan is then drawn up.

One of the subjects that patients are most curious about is “When does hair mesotherapy give results?” is the question. Usually, this treatment can show its full effect after 4-5 months. From the 3rd or 4th month of the mesotherapy application, hair follicles visibly grow. It may take 3-4 months for the cells of the hair follicles to regenerate. It is not possible to give a precise time for the effect of the treatment and the response varies from person to person. People who experience periodic hair loss can get faster results than people who experience permanent hair loss.

Is hair mesotherapy permanent?

“Is hair mesotherapy permanent?” The question is also frequently asked by people. If you go to all the sessions and the sessions are not interrupted, it is possible to get permanent results in the hair with hair mesotherapy. When the factors that cause the problem in the hair are eliminated with treatment, hair mesotherapy can prevent hair loss permanently. Along with preventing hair loss, it can also permanently support new hair growth.

What to do before and after hair mesotherapy

Patients who get an answer to the question of what is the use of hair mesotherapy should know what to do before and after if they want to apply this treatment method. Although it is an effortless treatment, there are some points to be considered about this application:

  • First of all, the physician should be informed if there is a medication that is used regularly. Because these drugs may have blood-thinning properties and physicians guide accordingly.
  • It is recommended to wash the hair before the mesotherapy session; because hair should not be washed for 1-2 days after application.
  • After hair mesotherapy, smoking and alcohol consumption should be suspended for a while.
  • Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to protect the scalp from exposure to direct sunlight.
