What is good for viral infection, how does it pass? What are viral infection symptoms and treatment?

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Okan University Hospital Pediatrics Specialist Dr. Instructor Its member, Coşkun Saf, has recently been widely seen in schools; informed the families about viral infections that manifest themselves with symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

While leaving the summer days behind, we have entered a period in which infections can easily spread in our society with the change of air temperatures during the day or from day to day and the opening of schools. In this period, especially; We have started to see some viral infections, in which nausea and vomiting complaints are prominent, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea and fever, and the severity and duration differ from patient to patient. The important point here is; These infections, which worry families and may cause our children to be away from school for a while, are generally caused by viruses and therefore do not require antibiotics. The treatment is mostly in the form of resting and increasing fluid support, and limiting himself with supportive treatments such as antipyretic when necessary.


These viruses are generally; It is transmitted through contact and mouth and respiration. It is necessary to pay attention to factors such as frequent washing of hands with soap and water, not sending sick children to school for a few days if possible, hygiene of toilets, hygiene of children’s playgrounds, preparation of food under hygienic conditions to prevent contamination.


The severity and duration of the patient’s complaints and whether there is sufficient fluid intake at home are important when making a decision about applying to the hospital or doctor. In other words, patients who have mild fever, vomiting or diarrhea a few times, who can be given enough liquid by mouth and who do not have any additional complaints can be followed up at home. It would be appropriate to frequently give liquids such as water and buttermilk to the patients followed at home, and to avoid foods and drinks with excess oil or sugar as much as possible. However; In cases where vomiting or diarrhea is frequent, fever is severe and resistant, oral fluid intake is insufficient, the child is weak or there are additional complaints such as rash, severe abdominal pain, it should be evaluated by a pediatrician in terms of diagnosis and treatment.
