What is good for vertigo? Is chewing gum good for vertigo?

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Defne Vera Şahin

Vertigo, which is mainly caused by central nervous system and inner ear diseases, is known as one of the diseases that negatively affects daily life. Generally, Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common types of vertigo. In this type of vertigo, severe dizziness occurs that lasts from 15 seconds to several minutes. However, it may also occur as a result of shaking the head back and forth or turning over in bed. It is known that vertigo is often seen in older ages.

What is good for vertigo?

In order to treat vertigo, its causes must first be investigated. If it is caused by a middle ear infection, it is recommended to use antibiotics. As a result of the research, it has been shown that antibiotic treatment for ear infections is successful. In cases where antibiotics do not work, surgical treatment may be required.

In Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which is the most common type of vertigo, the disease may resolve spontaneously in a few weeks or months. If the disease does not go away, a specialist doctor should be consulted. Some positional maneuvers are recommended for patients in this situation. Methods that are good for vertigo are as follows:

  • Avoiding sudden head movements
  • getting plenty of rest,
  • Consuming plenty of fluids,
  • Avoiding working at height and using dangerous devices,
  • It is necessary to stay away from caffeine, tobacco and alcohol.

How to cure vertigo?

You should remain motionless during dizziness. However, avoiding stress can also reduce vertigo attacks. The individual should try to relax psychologically while experiencing vertigo. Trying to focus on a single point by keeping the head still can reduce the severity of dizziness. Breathing deeply and calmly is effective in overcoming a vertigo attack in the calmest way. In addition, the effects of vertigo can be reduced with herbal mixtures that can be prepared at home for the feeling of dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The answer to the question of what can be done at home for vertigo is as follows:

  • The herbal enzymes found in ginger can reduce dizziness caused by vertigo.
  • Apple cider vinegar is another food that is effective in relieving vertigo symptoms. During dizziness, the feeling of dizziness may be reduced when consumed by mixing 2 spoons of honey and 1 spoon of vinegar.
  • Almonds can be used against dizziness caused by vertigo by balancing blood pressure.
  • Pass the celery through the food processor and add water and mix. Celery juice is effective against dizziness with its rich nutritional content.
  • Gooseberry, which is a source of vitamins A and C, is consumed by adding 1 teaspoon into a glass of water. This drink consumed is effective against the dizziness caused by vertigo.

Is chewing gum good for vertigo?

As an answer to the question of how to get rid of vertigo quickly, chewing gum is effective in strengthening jaw muscles, reducing the effects of stress, and also in the treatment of vertigo. Chewing gum opens the eustachian tube and helps the individual relax. Additionally, it also reduces the tinnitus problem to a great extent. It is known that vertigo patients who chew gum experience symptoms more easily. However, vertigo should not be expected to completely disappear with chewing gum. Chewing gum may help with new-onset vertigo. Vertigo treatment should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

What to do to get rid of vertigo?

Various methods are used to control vertigo. Vertigo can be controlled with medication and exercises. The main aim of treatment should be to find the disease that vertigo indicates and to control this disease. Methods that improve vertigo can be listed as follows:

  • Elimination of trigger factors (Alcohol, cigarettes, stress, caffeine, salt)
  • Elimination of the trigger position
  • Medication
  • Surgical intervention

What should someone with vertigo do?

Balance exercises are among the exercises that are good for vertigo. Exercises that can be applied for vertigo treatment at home help maintain body balance. Exercises such as stepping sideways, walking backwards, counting on a soft surface, walking on a mat will help alleviate the problems caused by vertigo. The Epley maneuver, recommended for vertigo exercises at home, is an exercise method that relieves vertigo symptoms.

