What is good for toothache? Methods that instantly relieve toothache that you can apply at home

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Incorrect functioning of the chewing function leads to digestive system problems. In addition, gingivitis affects other organs of the body. Another importance of teeth is to help make sounds during speech.

What are the Causes of Toothache?

Pain in the teeth can be related to the tooth itself, or it can be an indication of gum problems. Pain often appears as a simple ache and increases in intensity over time. In some cases, the pain may change direction and may reveal the feeling of being experienced due to a problem in another tooth.

1. Tooth Sensitivity

When people with tooth sensitivity consume cold and hot foods, tingling occurs in their teeth. It is a common problem and is caused by recession of gums or erosion of tooth enamel. Apart from these, it can be based on different reasons. Brushing the teeth incorrectly and grinding the teeth at night are among the other causes of sensitivity.

2. Dental Inflammations

One of the most important and common causes of toothache is dental inflammation. Tooth inflammation occurs as a result of not taking care of the teeth and the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth as a result of caries and dental injuries. Medication is essential for full recovery. Tooth inflammation is a condition that affects not only the mouth but also other internal organs.

3. Gum Retraction

The teeth are attached to the gums. The recession of the gums exposes the roots of the teeth and as a result, bleeding occurs. Bad breath and tartar formation are also triggered by the recession of the gums. Not paying enough attention to oral health is the main reason for gum recession. Irregular diet, lack of vitamins and minerals are among the other causes.

4. Deformations in Filling

Sometimes, pain problems can be experienced in teeth that have been treated before. Why does a filled tooth hurt? Filling is the process of closing the caries area with a tooth-compatible substance after the caries in the tooth are cleaned. If the tooth is not cleaned properly, the tooth nerve is not removed and the filling is not done incorrectly, pain may occur in the tooth again. Loosening and breaking of the filling also causes pain. If the filled tooth gets air due to the fracture, pain occurs. Food residues that enter through areas where the filling has loosened or broken can also cause pain. Even these residues create bad breath. What is good for a filling toothache? It is good for a stuffed toothache to brush the teeth and clean the food particles that have accumulated around it. If the filling is broken, there is no other option but to make the filling again.

5. Tooth Fractures

Physical fractures of the teeth are also one of the factors that cause toothache. If there is no way to see a dentist when the tooth is broken, the problem can be alleviated a little with temporary filling materials sold in pharmacies. As the broken tooth breathes, it is inevitable to experience pain. It is important that they are cleaned regularly until the treatment of broken teeth is completed.

6. 20 Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also called impacted teeth, may cause pain depending on the way they are erupted and the structure of the jawbone. Since these teeth are located at the back, they are more difficult to clean. For this reason, the areas where the wisdom teeth are located are open to infections and are very suitable for the accumulation of bacteria. Where does the 20-year-old toothache hit? The pain can affect the jaw, ear, other teeth. It is not possible to give a clear answer to the question of how many days the wisdom toothache lasts. In some people, the pain caused by wisdom teeth disappears in a few days, while in others, the process is completed with the extraction of the tooth.

7. Clenching Teeth

Clenching the teeth during sleep and during the day damages the enamel, which is the protective layer of the tooth. Cracks in the tooth enamel damage the structure of the tooth. Clenching causes not only toothache, but also pain in the jaw, head and temple areas.

What Are the Symptoms of Toothache?

Toothache begins suddenly and can spread to the extent that it affects a large part of the jaw and even the face. With the pain, there is a loss of function in the teeth, chewing and speaking become difficult. The solution to the situations in which the duration and severity of the pain increase is only possible with the intervention of the dentist.

What Is Good For Toothache?

After the toothache appears, it can be relieved with a few simple applications until you go to the dentist. The priority should be the elimination of the cause of pain, that is, dental treatment.

1. Garlic

Garlic, the strongest antibiotic known in nature, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The source of the smell of garlic is allicin in its content. Allicin, which is a volatile structure, has the ability to fight bacteria and is very effective in removing microbes.

In order for the allicin substance to be effective on the inflammation in the teeth, the cut garlic must be kept on the problem tooth for a few minutes. Another method is to crush the garlic with salt and put it on the problematic tooth. This method can also be applied in case of filled tooth ache.

2. Clove or Clove Oil

Clove is one of the oldest known natural resources for the solution of toothache. Clove numbs the area where it is applied and relieves the pain. The eugenol in it creates a local numbing effect. In addition, clove is a plant with antimicrobial properties. It is one of the natural resources that those who are against the problem of what is good for broken tooth pain can apply.

After crushing a few cloves, leave them on the pain area for a while. Take the cloves when the numbness starts. Clove oil is also effective in relieving toothache. Clove oil can be applied on the aching tooth with the help of a cotton ball. Since it is a very dense oil, it is not recommended to drip directly on the tooth.

3. Oregano Oil

Thyme oil is used for general oral health instead of acute toothache. This oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Regularly gargling with thyme oil reduces the formation of bacteria in the mouth. It is effective in fighting gum diseases.

Thyme oil is not used directly in the mouth. The most correct use is to gargle by diluting. You can buy ready-made oregano oil, or it can be made at home. Chop fresh thyme sprigs and place in a bottle of olive oil. Leave it in the sun for up to 10 days. Then filter it and use it.

4. Mint

Mint, which is frequently used in dental care products, has a refreshing effect. Mint is an extremely effective herb in terms of removing microorganisms that cause tooth decay. It shows antiseptic properties.

The use of mint in dental problems is quite simple. Fresh mint leaves can be chewed. In cases where fresh mint is not available, a tea made with dried mint can be drunk or used as a mouthwash. One of the solutions to the question of what is good for 20-year-old toothache is mint. Peppermint has a numbing effect and relieves pain.

5. Salt Water

Salt is a substance obtained from nature. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. For this reason, it is one of the effective methods used in tooth inflammation and pain.

Toothache is an annoying and painful condition. What is good for an inflamed toothache? Gargling with salt water is effective in relieving pain. Rinse your mouth after gargling with the mixture you prepared with a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt. Repeating this application from time to time, not only in case of inflammation, ensures oral health.

6. Sage

Sage, which grows in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions of our country, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Sage, which is used in throat and mouth infections, also has antioxidant properties.

Brew sage leaves in hot water and gargle with this water. However, its anti-inflammatory effect can be seen as a result of regular application. The use of sage in pregnant women is inconvenient.

7. Chamomile

The most important known effects of chamomile are its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Chamomile tea is also effective in eliminating tooth and gum problems.

Chamomile tea is used as a mouthwash for dental health. For this, throw the hot water in a sufficient amount of dried chamomile and wait for it to brew. Then rinse your mouth with this water. It does not need to be rinsed as it has a pleasant taste.

What Can Be Done to Protect Dental and Oral Health

Before turning to the solution of the problems arising from the teeth and gums, it should be aimed to prevent these problems from occurring with a few simple methods. Regular oral care is the most important rule of having healthy teeth. Most people seek medical attention only when their dental phobia gets worse. However, this situation leads to the growth of the problem, which could be solved with a simple intervention at first. and may even result in tooth extraction.

  • Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day with a brush suitable for age and teeth, and toothbrushes should be changed at regular intervals.
  • Toothbrushes do not provide sufficient results in cleaning the spaces between the teeth. Dentists recommend cleaning between teeth with dental floss.
  • Excessive consumption of sugary and acidic foods causes health problems in the teeth.
  • Dental examinations should be continued without interruption, even if the teeth are healthy. It is sufficient to go to the dentist twice a year.
  • Breaking nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds with teeth causes damage to the teeth.
  • If there is a clenching problem during sleep, it is necessary to prevent the friction of the teeth with appropriate apparatus. There are usually extreme stress and psychological reasons behind this problem. If needed, another treatment may be recommended to relieve them.
  • Instead of just soft foods, hard foods such as apples and carrots, which strengthen the teeth and clean their surface, should also be included in the nutrition program.
  • Gargling with salt water or specially sold products at certain intervals will prevent the formation of bacteria, thus reducing the risk of caries.
  • In cases of tooth inflammation and pain, it is inconvenient to put substances such as alcohol and aspirin on the teeth. Such applications cause more damage to the teeth.
  • Smoking and alcohol use damage teeth and gums.
  • Continuing to feed from a bottle after the age of two increases the risk of dental caries in children.
  • Getting children into the habit of brushing their teeth from an early age ensures that they have healthier teeth when they are adults.
