What is good for tiredness and weakness? What are the foods that are good for fatigue and weakness?

What is good for tiredness and weakness What are the

Causes such as a viral disease, insomnia, stress, malnutrition can cause you to feel tired and sluggish when seen alone or in combination. Feeling tired during the day reduces your quality of life and prevents you from doing many things under your responsibility. So much so that the world order, which is based on constant consumption and which compels almost everyone to work and take responsibility, will not tolerate a state of constant fatigue.

If we approach the issue from the point of view of basic health, it is very important that our immune system is strong, and fatigue and weakness are an important symptom for recognizing a problem in this system.

What Should We Do If We Have Insomnia Problems?

Body and mind activities are intertwined and take place in harmony. Any problem experienced in one of them will be reflected in other activities. For this reason, you should first find the main problem that causes you to sleeplessness and make an effort to find a solution to that problem. The problem of insomnia, which lasts for days, also reveals fatigue and weakness.

Why do you suffer from insomnia? For example; Your insomnia problem may be caused by experiencing a negative emotion or concentration of thoughts. If you think so, you need to focus on how to remove that negative emotion or thought that interrupts your sleep. Consulting a counselor or chatting with a trusted friend can pave the way for getting rid of such abrasive feelings and thoughts.

What Should We Do If We Are Experiencing Stress?


Stress experienced on a regular basis makes the mind and body extremely tired, and in the long run it can be the cause of many serious diseases as well as fatigue and weakness. It can also be a source of motivation when experienced with the taste and decision of stress, which leaves irreparable damage to physical and mental health. It can be seen as a supporting force for the energetic fulfillment of responsibilities. However, if the level of stress reaches the extreme, it can almost take on the role of a woodworm gnawing on furniture for our body and mind, and it is again our responsibility to eliminate this stress.

If you are experiencing stress-induced fatigue and weakness, you should review your living conditions and be open to some innovations. You may need to replace some habits with new ones.

  • Eat well, sleep well.
  • Consume chamomile tea.
  • If you live in the city, do your best to get in touch with nature even once in a while. Nature accepts you as you are and reunites you with your self as quickly as possible. Have appointments with nature; Take a walk, ride a bike, or just lie on the grass and listen to the sounds of the trees reaching into the sky.
  • Pay attention to the light balance of your home; When you wake up in the morning, take care to see the sun. If you live in a house that doesn’t get any sun, don’t be lazy when you wake up and go outside to see the sun.
  • It is invaluable for a person experiencing stress to change their focus; read a book, play chess or word games with your loved ones, take up a hobby that you can do outside of your work or responsibilities. Take care that this hobby contains color, colors are tools with the ability to heal the soul.

What should we do if there is a viral illness?

  • First and foremost, you will need to take bed rest, postpone your work for a few days.
  • Take advantage of natural solutions to cleanse your body of toxins. Consume plenty of water, lemon and parsley. Especially in the morning, before breakfast, drinking water with lemon slices at room temperature will be an extremely important action.
  • Do your best to sweat, but don’t let the sweat cool down on you. After sweating hard under the blanket, take a hot shower and keep yourself warm afterwards. Sweating is the most traditional way of removing toxins accumulated in our body.
  • Do not use the same wipes all the time. The same handkerchief exposes you to the same virus over and over. Ventilate your room frequently.
  • Consume more liquid (such as soup) foods and medicinal (linden, marshmallow, ginger) hot drinks.

Poor and Malnutrition

Our diet is among the most basic issues that can cause fatigue and weakness. If we think of our body as a perfectly functioning machine, we must also take care of it so that the wheels don’t get clogged. A bad and inadequate diet will reduce the resistance of our body, which cannot get the necessary fuel, and will make us feel tired and sluggish.

You may have developed a one-sided diet and made a habit of it, or you may be experiencing loss of appetite due to stress and sadness. Whether the cause is habit or psychological, the result will always be the same, and ultimately, we will need to take care of our diet in order to feel alive and energetic.

Malnutrition is a problem that usually arises as a result of carelessness and ignorance and can be easily solved with some personal effort. If you are someone who eats in the following ways, your diet may be the reason why you feel tired and sluggish.

  • Although it has an energy value because you think it is practical, you may be applying a diet that is very harmful to your body, as it is empty, which is called ready-made foods with extremely low nutritional values ​​and even worst, fast food.
  • Because you think you are overweight, you may be depriving your body of necessary nutrients, choosing a diet for yourself without consulting a specialist.
  • You may not be able to transfer the necessary elements to your body, even if you are consuming enough, because you are applying the preservation or cooking method of some foods incorrectly.


In middle-aged women, experiences such as night sweats caused by menopause, waking up frequently as a result of sweating, and the feeling of cold immediately after sweating, take them out of sleep and take away their ability to fall asleep again. If you fall into this group, you have to struggle with finding the solution to these problems.

  • Having a towel with you while you sleep at night,
  • Taking brisk walks during the day,
  • eating well and
  • Swimming as much as you can in the summer will cure your sleep problem caused by sweating.

What is Good for Fatigue and Fatigue?

Some suggestions can be considered for dealing with fatigue. The problem of fatigue can be eliminated with foods and herbal teas that are good for fatigue. Thus, people can feel more vigorous. Here are the foods and herbal teas that are good for fatigue and weakness that can be applied with peace of mind…

Foods for Fatigue and Fatigue

Those who experience fatigue, weakness, and those who have difficulty completing the day, do research on the subject to see what is good for fatigue. At this point, the first thing to reach is the foods that give energy. Foods that are good for fatigue with a variety of options from pumpkin seeds to oatmeal, from nuts to bananas…

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1. Nuts

A handful of hazelnuts that you will consume during the day and between meals will be a great remedy for your necessary energy needs. In addition to being a very rich food in fiber, it also contains minerals such as protein, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. However, because it is a fatty food, it can lead to weight gain. For this reason, it is best not to consume more than a handful.

2. Pumpkin Seeds

Consuming a handful of pumpkin seeds during the day can relieve fatigue, as they are rich in omega 3, as well as contain magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus and some B group vitamins.

3. Walnut

It is a food extremely high in Omega 3. Apart from fatigue, it can also prevent depression by being good for our nervous system, or it can be consumed to prevent a difficult disease such as Alzheimer’s.

4. Oatmeal

It is one of the foods that should be consumed to meet daily energy needs. Oatmeal containing magnesium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin B1 is an energy store. Especially if it is consumed with some yogurt and black grapes at breakfast, it helps to start the day in a fit way.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt to be consumed in one bowl a day is very valuable in terms of containing both protein and good bacteria beneficial to the body, increasing body resistance, regulating intestinal flora and relieving chronic fatigue. If possible, prefer natural village yoghurt rather than commercially produced yoghurts.

6. Banana

It’s also a godsend, containing vitamins A, E, K, and C. Consuming 1 or 2 bananas a day will be good for fatigue.

Banana, which is an incredibly rich fruit in terms of content, meets the body’s mineral and vitamin needs to a large extent when consumed during the day. So much so that it contains high levels of protein, potassium and magnesium, and it is a fruit with high calories. It is also rich in vitamins A, E, K and C. Consuming 1 or 2 bananas a day will be good for fatigue.

7. Grapes

In addition to being a fruit containing plenty of energy, it is also rich in protein and fiber. If you are experiencing fatigue; In addition to vitamins C, E, and K, you should not miss grapes, which contain calcium, copper, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, carotene a and carotene b, from your cupboard in summer.

8. Green Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach, chard and purslane are extremely important foods for our daily energy needs, as they contain high protein and are powerful antioxidants.

9. Fish

If you are not a vegetarian, consuming fish a few times a week in terms of omega 3 is important for you to have an energetic body and mind. Flaxseed and walnuts are foods containing omega 3 for vegetarians.

10. Egg

It is also extremely important to consume eggs (if possible, not eggs on the market shelves, but village eggs) in terms of the vitamin B12 they contain. B12 deficiency will cause fatigue, poor memory and lack of concentration.

11. Legumes

It is a food group that should be consumed at least once a week, especially for vegetarians. Because they contain high protein, they provide plenty of energy to the body.

12. Garlic

Garlic, which is also a natural antibiotic, increases your resistance against diseases and provides vigor if consumed abundantly when it comes to chronic fatigue.

13. Parsley

In addition to being a wonderfully beneficial plant, it has the feature of keeping the body alive and fit by stimulating the metabolism. Consuming a pinch every day gives great support to the disappearance of the feeling of fatigue.

14. Honey

Honey to be consumed with a spoonful and pollen support a day is perfect for fatigue. Of course, it should be added that it is very important to be sure of the naturalness of this honey and pollen. Unfortunately, as with many foods in the market, there are unethical productions for honey.

15. Dried Apricots

It is a food that provides muscle growth and contains potassium. While balancing the acid level in the body, it also synthesizes proteins. On the other hand, it has many cures, such as increasing the rate of hemoglobin in the body and creating an environment for a healthy digestive system. Consuming a few pieces during the day will support those who have weakness and fatigue problems.

What Are Herbal Teas That Will Relieve Fatigue and Fatigue?

Herbal teas, which are good for fatigue and weakness, help to gather energy and make it easier to get through the day. Herbal teas, which are good for fatigue, also help strengthen immunity.


1. Green Tea

It accelerates metabolism. Although it creates a caffeine effect, it does not cause palpitations like caffeine, on the contrary, it calms the body while relieving fatigue. You can prepare it like regular tea; Wait 6-7 minutes for it to brew. You can consume it several times a day.

2. Mint Tea

It relaxes your stomach and gives vitality to your body. Throw a pinch of mint into a small teapot or coffee pot, wait 5 minutes for it to brew and consume it by adding lemon slices to it.

3. Ginger Tea

Add 1 tablespoon of powdered ginger to a glass of hot water, wait 8-9 minutes for it to infuse. If you consume it with honey and lemon, you can get a more effective result in terms of both flavor and energy.

4. Rosemary Tea

You can consume rosemary tea, which prevents fatigue by regulating digestion, by adding a teaspoon of rosemary tea to the water you have previously boiled, waiting for 4-5 minutes, and adding a teaspoon of honey if desired.
