What is good for the nervous system? What are the foods and movements that strengthen muscles and nerves?

What is good for the nervous system What are the

The central nervous system consists of the spinal cord and brain, and the peripheral nervous system consists of fibers that connect the central nervous system to all other parts of the body. Nervous system; manages the synchronous operation of the trilogy of thought, emotion and movement. On the one hand, it provides the physical features (muscle and bone system) to work, on the other hand, it ensures the fulfillment of thought activity. In this respect, nervous system diseases consist of two types as pathological and psychological. In other words, it is in the form of physical and mental diseases. In this respect, both nerve cell health and mental health are related to each other.

Nervous System Crash Symptoms

Nervous system diseases can lead to the failure of the nervous system to function if precautions are not taken, which is also called nervous system collapse.

  • Paralysis: It occurs when movement nerves or brain cells are damaged. The organ under the influence of the nerve cannot perform its function.
  • Meningitis: It is a disease caused by inflammation of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. The person begins to be unable to walk and has difficulty using their hands and arms.
  • Mental illnesses: These diseases are related to the mental part of the nervous system. There are many varieties. The most known are; schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and obsessive obsessions. In general, they cause people to be unhappy, and the most obvious symptoms are the loss of joy of living.
  • Epilepsy: It occurs when brain cells are damaged. It has symptoms that are known as fainting and “episodic seizures” among the people.
  • Parkinson’s: It is caused by problems with chemicals in the brain. There are some signs of shaking in the body and shaking in the hands.

Foods Good for the Nervous System

1. Whey

Amino acids in whey are a very beneficial nutrient for the nervous system. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. Since it is natural, no side effects have been observed. Whey helps to secrete neurotransmitter hormone and it has been determined that this hormone has a very positive effect on blood health and nervous system. In this respect, it is very good for mental health. In addition to calming the mood, whey also benefits the regular functioning of the central nervous system. It can also be used as a quality whey protein supplement, especially for those who are not allergic to dairy foods. In this way, it will also benefit the muscle groups controlled by the nervous system.

Whey is obtained by applying the straining process to the cheese that is still under construction. While making cheese, it is coagulated by adding acid and yeast. The greenish-yellow liquid that remains outside the clot is called whey. Boil 1 liter of milk to make sour whey. While the milk is boiling in the saucepan, add two tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar and stir. After a while, the milk will be curdled and the whey and solid part will separate in a visible way. After that, proceed to the filtering process using a clean cheesecloth. You can easily consume the remaining part of the cheesecloth as cheese. Use the part collected in a container at the bottom by keeping it closed in the refrigerator. To make sweet whey, follow the same process by fermenting it with yeast instead of adding lemon juice or vinegar to the boiling milk.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a food that has been proven to be good for many nervous disorders such as fatigue, excessive anxiety and reluctance. Spinach provides great benefits in terms of preventing the blood from clotting and causing the blood to thin, in terms of applying the signals sent by the nerves to the muscles. Thanks to the magnesium in its content, the enzymes in the body work correctly and enable the nerve transmission to function more smoothly. Spinach generally helps the metabolism to work properly and the muscle-nerve-bone trio to work in sync. It has a relaxing effect on the nerves of the person by maintaining the fluid balance of the body and ensuring the regular function of the heart and blood. It also benefits the brain, which is the most important part of the central nervous system, by helping the brain to perform its functions.

First, put half a liter of water in a saucepan and boil it. Add 4 or 5 pieces of spinach to the boiling water in the pot. Wait for a while and then add 8 to 10 parsley with its stem into the pot with the spinach. Set your stove to medium and boil this mixture for about ten minutes. Then put this mixture on hold and when the temperature reaches a consistency that will not burn your mouth, strain and drink the juice. It is also beneficial to eat parsley and spinach that you have drained. If you wish, you can also make this mixture with cress instead of parsley. Drink this mixture in the morning and on an empty stomach.

3. Mint

Among the herbs that repair the nervous system, there is also mint. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in its content, it is very beneficial for the health of the nervous system and memory. Thanks to the folate in its content, it helps the damaged nerve cells to return to normal again and ensures that the signals from the nerves to the body are transmitted well. It helps in the development and functioning of nerve cells. Like spinach, mint is a storehouse of B vitamins. The scent of peppermint has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and helps fight anxiety disorders. Again, studies have found that mint strengthens memory and is good for memory. It also has pain-relieving properties and is especially good for headaches.

You can consume mint directly on its own, or add it to your salads or drink it as a tea. First, boil half a liter of water in a saucepan or cooking pot. Pour the boiling water into a container with a glass lid. Add 2 tablespoons of mint to this water and mix. (As soon as mint is added, the container should be closed immediately because it contains volatile substances.) After waiting for approximately 5 minutes, strain the mint in the container and drink it like this.

4. Pomegranate

It has been determined by experts that the water, peel and fruit contained in the pomegranate have individual benefits for the nervous system. The oil in the core of the fruit helps the nerve cells to perform their functions. Pomegranate has a stress-reducing effect. It accelerates the repair of cells. Pomegranate juice causes the stress hormones to work less and in this way helps the nervous system to maintain its health. Pomegranate juice also has a regulating effect on the nervous and circulatory system.

You can consume pomegranate directly or drink its juice. In addition, to consume the pomegranate peel, dry the pomegranate peels in the shade or in an environment not exceeding 40-50 degrees. Crush the pomegranate peels after drying. Store the crumbled shells in a cool place. Then add two grams of crushed pomegranate peel to 100 grams of boiled water and boil it for about ten minutes and drink the water regularly every day.

5. Lettuce

Lettuce is very beneficial for the nervous system, thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains. Especially thanks to vitamins D, C, B and A, it helps with weakness and weakness in the nerves and reduces stress. It is good for insomnia, relieves muscle contractions caused by damage to the nervous system, and helps regulate heart rhythm.

Lettuce is readily available almost everywhere. Consume lettuce raw, which is the most beneficial form for the nervous system. It is suitable to be consumed both directly and raw in salads.

6. Banana

Banana is one of the foods that is very good for the nervous system with its rich potassium content. Banana, which prevents the body from being dehydrated, also contributes to the relaxation of the nervous system with this feature. Thanks to vitamin B6, it relaxes the nerves and muscles. Just like lettuce, banana is also good for insomnia and is very beneficial for the nervous system. By playing a role in the secretion of the hormone serotonin, it also has a positive effect on stress and depression. It helps the muscles to return to normal in a short time by giving strength to the muscles, especially after strenuous physical activities, and in this way, it causes less wear on the nerves.

7. Green Tea

One of the most ideal foods that can be consumed to relax the nervous system is green tea. The amino acids in green tea have a calming effect on the nervous system. Again, these amino acids help to get away from stress by increasing the production of alpha waves in the brain and protect the nervous system.

Green tea can be easily found in herbalists and markets. Let a cup of boiled water stand for a while. Then add a teaspoon of green tea to the water and infuse for 3 minutes, then strain and drink.

8. Apple

Apple is a very good food for the nervous system if consumed regularly. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in its content, it helps both the nervous system and the metabolism. It is a natural remedy for those who suffer from insomnia, which protects and relaxes the nerves. Again, the Beijing substance in it is very useful for the nervous system. It also prevents nerve damage that may occur by regulating blood pressure and the rate of sugar in the blood.

Consume it regularly to take advantage of all the benefits of apple. You can add it to salads or consume it in the form of jam.

Movements That Strengthen Nerves

The most important activity to strengthen the nerves is walking. Especially, walking in the fresh air provides maximum benefit to the nerves as plenty of oxygen is taken. Walking is one of the best movements for the muscular system, and the stronger and healthier the muscular system becomes, the more regularly the nervous system functions. Walking will be very beneficial in terms of nerve health, as it will cause the secretion of serotonin, which is known among the people as the “happiness hormone”.

Outside of walking; Reading a book, memorizing and learning a new language will also strengthen the nervous system. In addition to these movements, you can provide an extra protection to your nervous system with the cure that strengthens the nerves. For this cure, add an egg and a banana to a glass of milk. Mix well with mixer. Consume this mixture for 1 month, taking a break for one day. You must have consumed fifteen days in total. It must be prepared fresh each time.
