The kidneys are bean-like in shape, their average size reaches up to 13 centimeters. The kidneys weigh between 120 and 180 grams in men and between 110 and 160 grams in women. It is located behind the peritoneum, below the diaphragm. The right kidney is behind the liver and the left kidney is behind the spleen. Normally, each person has two kidneys. But for various reasons, some people have to continue their lives with a single kidney. Most of the time, one kidney can do the work of two kidneys and the person can continue his life without any difficulty. The kidneys are known to excrete harmful substances from the blood, and the medical branch that studies the kidneys is called nephrology.
Functions of the Kidneys
The kidneys, which perform the most necessary functions of the body’s health, ensure that the wastes that arise with the filtration of the blood are excreted as urine. The kidneys, which perform the filtering process thanks to the units in its structure, also perform the formation of urine. There are approximately 1 million filtering units in each kidney, and these filtering units are called nephrons. In addition to this basic task, the kidneys also have many different functions.
1. Expelling Wastes from the Body
The most important function of the kidneys is to remove harmful and unnecessary substances from the body and blood. Waste materials are formed as a result of the production and destruction activities of metabolism in the body. Urea occurs as a result of protein production and protein degradation, and uric acid occurs in nucleic acid formation and nucleic acid degradation. These substances are unnecessary for the body. The kidneys excrete urea and uric acid as urine, along with excess water in the body. Apart from these, it is among the duties of the kidneys to remove the remnants of drugs and toxins taken into the body.
2. Maintaining Homeostasis (Body Balance)
The kidneys act as a stabilizer in many events in the body. While doing this task, it works with many organs and tissues such as the heart, liver, and glands. The communication of the kidneys with other organs is provided by the hormones in the blood.
3. Acid-Base Regulation
It is the duty of the kidneys to maintain the acid-base balance in the body. The kidneys maintain the balance by keeping the pH, proton and bicarbonate in the blood within the required ranges. While performing this function, it works simultaneously with the lung.
4. Adjusting Blood Pressure
The kidneys play an important role in regulating blood pressure by filtering sodium and other electrolytes from the blood. In addition, the kidneys, working with the pituitary glands, also balance the volume of blood fluid.
5. Hormone Secretion
The production of red blood cells, which is an important structure for blood, also depends on the kidneys. The kidneys secrete hormones that stimulate the production of red blood cells. In addition, it activates vitamin D, which is inactive in the body and is among the vitamins that are good for the kidneys.
Foods That Are Good For The Kidneys
Since the kidneys carry out the process of removing waste materials from the body, all food and beverages entering the body are closely related to the kidneys. In other words, the path of all nutrients entering the body passes through the kidneys. For this reason, not giving enough importance to the foods consumed affects the kidneys in a negative way. Taking care of consuming foods that work the kidneys is necessary for prolonging the life of the kidneys. Consuming kidney-friendly foods causes the kidneys to lose their function. Kidneys that lose their functions cannot excrete harmful substances in the body, but also spread disease to other organs.
1. Apple
Apple, one of the most beneficial nutrients for kidney health, has positive effects on many organs. If you want to benefit from the benefits of apples only for kidneys, preference should be given to red apples. Apple, which contains plenty of vitamins that will contribute to the working system of the kidneys, supports the filtering function of the kidneys with its high fiber ratio. For these benefits of apple, at least 1 medium apple should be consumed regularly every day.
2. Parsley
Thanks to the vitamins and minerals it has, parsley provides benefits to many parts of the body. The high amount of vitamin C it has is the reason why it plays an active role in kidney cleansing. Kidneys cleaned with parsley work more healthily. For this reason, parsley should be consumed more frequently, especially in cases of illness. The benefit of parsley for the kidneys is not limited to this. It also helps the kidneys with its water balancing feature. In addition to being eaten with meals, drinking the water after boiling is also very beneficial for the kidneys.
3. Yogurt
Like other dairy products, yogurt is one of the most important nutrients that helps keep the kidneys healthy. Thanks to the calcium it contains, it helps the kidneys to function properly. The bacteria in yogurt protects the kidneys from diseases by increasing the body immunity. The effect of yoghurt consumed with fruits is more. Rather than consuming yoghurt with meals, it is recommended to be consumed with fruits as a separate meal.
4. Fish
Fish is good for many organs with the omega 3 it contains and protects the body against various diseases. Fish, which is an indispensable nutrient for the kidneys, stores all the minerals needed by the kidneys in the body. Regular fish consumption significantly reduces the risk of disease. Fish has therapeutic effects as well as protective properties. The zinc and iron that fish have helps to heal kidney diseases. At this stage, one of the fish that is most beneficial for the kidneys is salmon, which is rich in omega 3. Consuming fish varieties at least 2-3 times a month, especially baked, is good for the kidneys.
5. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is a very protective food, although it does not affect the functioning of the kidneys too much. Pumpkin, which strengthens the kidneys against kidney diseases, is especially effective in preventing kidney stone formation. Consumption of pumpkin, which is generally used in jam making, for breakfast protects the body against many diseases, including kidney diseases.
6. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds, which are more effective than pumpkin in benefiting the kidneys, are rich in minerals. Pumpkin seeds, which contain zinc, iron and various minerals, are an effective food in the prevention of kidney diseases. Thanks to the omega 3 it contains, it also strengthens the immune system. Pumpkin seeds also have effects such as balancing sugar in the body and cleansing the kidneys. Pumpkin seeds, which make the kidneys work more beneficial by cleaning, are among the indispensable foods of kidney patients. Consuming pumpkin seeds plate by plate can cause more harm than good. For this reason, it is recommended to consume at most a handful of pumpkin seeds daily.
7. Damson Plum
Plum, which is especially rich in vitamins A, B and C, helps iron absorption and is also an effective antioxidant. Eating a few dried damson plums a day has a positive effect on the kidneys.
8. Blueberries
Blueberry is a beneficial food for important organs such as kidneys. But it is also among the foods with the most side effects. In addition to its rich content of vitamin C and fibers, blueberry, which consists of natural compounds and acts as an antiseptic, is very effective for the urinary tract. A healthy urinary tract also supports the effective functioning of the kidneys. Blueberries should be consumed consciously under the supervision of a doctor because of the many side effects. The most beneficial form of blueberry for the kidneys is the tea form. For this, 1 cup of blueberry tea can be consumed per week.
9. Brass
Rice, which provides the body with energy sources, is a useful nutrient for the kidneys. Foods that give energy to the body often contain potassium. The removal of excess potassium from the body makes the kidneys very tiring. Rice, on the other hand, contains less potassium and more carbohydrates. In this respect, it is beneficial to the body without tiring the kidneys. Consuming rice pilaf to accompany other meals once or twice a week is necessary for kidney health.
10. Cranberry
Cranberry is one of the indispensable plants of alternative medicine drugs. Cranberry, which is almost a medicinal plant for the body, creates an antioxidant effect. Thanks to this effect, it prevents the cells in the body from being damaged. Thus, the body becomes stronger. Cranberry creates the same effect for the kidneys. It especially helps to keep the urinary tract healthy. Having a healthy urinary tract is important for expelling harmful wastes filtered by the kidney. In addition, consumption of cranberry increases the acidity in the urine. High acidity in the urine prevents the formation of kidney stones. The kidneys can be protected by drinking herbal teas made with cranberry regularly.
11. Rye
Rye, which is among the first healthy foods, is also beneficial for the kidneys. Kidney patients should consume rye bread made from rye instead of white bread. C
12. Watermelon
Watermelon, the indispensable fruit of the summer months, helps dissolve the salt in the kidneys. Watermelon consumption also minimizes the risk of kidney sand formation. Especially in summer, watermelon grown in natural conditions and consumed 2-3 times a week acts as a natural medicine for kidneys.
What Should Kidney Patients Eat?
Kidney diseases create very dangerous and negative effects on the human body. This is due to the inability of the kidneys to function. Inoperative kidneys keep harmful substances in the body and damage all organs in the body. The main diseases that occur in the kidneys are kidney cancer, kidney stones and kidney failure. Patients suffering from any of the kidney diseases have to change their eating habits. Because some foods leave wastes that the kidneys that are not working properly cannot throw out.
What Is Good For Kidney Failure?
Kidney failure is a disease that can occur acutely or chronically and is almost impossible to treat. People suffering from kidney failure should pay special attention to the foods they consume. Although it is not a nutrient that can eliminate kidney failure, there are some herbs that reduce its effect. Especially hibiscus and black cumin are the best foods for kidney failure. The oils of these plants and the teas made with these plants minimize the pain of the patients.
Foods Forbidden For Kidney Patients
Kidney patients have to pay more attention to their diet than anyone else. While some foods contribute to the basic functions of the kidneys, some foods also harm the kidneys. Certain foods and beverages are prohibited for kidney patients. Foods that leave substances that the kidneys cannot excrete and have difficulty in removing are prohibited for kidney patients. Prohibited foods are foods containing potassium, sodium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin A. Some of these foods are:
- Beans
- Chickpeas
- Lentil
- Spinach
- Carrot
- Banana
- Apricot
- Chicken and red meat