What is good for stomach indigestion, how does bloating go? What causes indigestion in the stomach, how does it go away with natural and herbal treatment at home?

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Everyone may encounter stomach problems such as indigestion at some point in their life. The problem of indigestion, known in medicine as dyspepsia, is mostly a temporary and easily solvable problem that the stomach experiences during digestion. Eating too much or consuming foods that will upset the stomach can cause this. In cases where this problem lasts for a long time or is continuous, a specialist should be consulted.

What causes indigestion?

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a condition arising from digestive problems experienced by the stomach. In addition to this, it is important to consult a doctor in case of persistent problems, as it can be a sign of a serious discomfort in the stomach. Indigestion is mostly caused by the foods consumed, as well as other factors. Indigestion is not a disease in itself, but there may be other diseases underlying indigestion. Therefore, determining the root cause of indigestion is important in order to apply the right treatment. The causes of indigestion can be:

  • Consuming excessive oily and spicy products causes stomach discomfort.
  • If an excessive meal is eaten at once, the stomach may have trouble digesting this food.
  • Consuming food very quickly and with little chewing also disrupts the digestive system of the stomach and causes indigestion.
  • Drinking too much caffeinated and alcoholic beverages will cause the stomach acid to become unbalanced, resulting in digestive problems.
  • Psychological conditions such as stress and extreme sadness primarily affect the stomach.
  • Among the side effects of the drug used, there may be stomach problems.
  • Those who have stomach diseases such as reflux may also experience indigestion problems.

In addition to these conditions, people with indigestion may also have an intolerance to foods such as lactose or gluten. In order to understand the cause of the discomfort experienced, it will be better to follow up the things that are eaten.

There are certain symptoms seen in indigestion problems. If these symptoms do not go away for a long time or are experienced frequently, a doctor should be consulted. Symptoms of indigestion:

  • Although less than the amount eaten in general is eaten, the feeling of fullness occurs immediately.
  • Swelling and pain in the upper abdomen are two of the most important indicators of indigestion.
  • When the stomach feels as if it is almost full to vomit and causes severe discomfort, it is also a sign of digestive distress.
  • Burping constantly indicates that the stomach is in distress and the acid balance is disturbed.
  • Feelings like burning and souring in the stomach indicate problems with stomach acid.
  • Complaints such as nausea and burning in the chest after eating.

How does indigestion go?

No matter how much attention is paid to nutrition and movement patterns, digestive problems may occur from time to time. In this case, what needs to be done is to consume products that are good for indigestion. Natural methods for indigestion and recipes you can apply at home:

  • Carbonated water, which is made by mixing a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of baking soda, helps to pass digestive problems by regulating the balance of acid in the stomach.
  • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon is mixed with hot water and consumed when indigestion is experienced. It helps the stomach relax and digest more easily.
  • Known to be beneficial to the body in many ways, ginger is also good for the stomach. Ginger tea to be consumed during the day will be effective in relieving indigestion of the stomach.
  • Herbal teas can be used in many ailments and provide benefits in the stomach. Since green tea also has positive effects on the stomach and digestion, it will provide relief when consumed against indigestion.
  • Lemon water is a product that is often consumed for digestion. Consuming water with lemon in times of indigestion will help the discomfort to pass faster.

Herbal teas provide benefits against the body in many ailments. These teas, which also work well in the stomach, are effective against digestive problems. Teas that are good for indigestion:

  • Fennel tea
  • chamomile tea
  • Melissa tea
  • Green tea
  • anise tea
  • cumin tea

What is good for bloating and indigestion?

The problem of indigestion, which can occur due to differences in nutrition, can often be solved by some methods that the person will apply himself. These solutions are valid for temporary and short-term ailments, and expert help should be sought for long-term ailments. In order to get rid of indigestion and bloating problems, making changes in nutrition and movement patterns will be better in terms of long-term quality of life. “What to do for stomach indigestion?” We can answer the question as follows:

  • Exercising regularly: Inactivity is one of the biggest causes of bloating. Being inactive for a long time will adversely affect the digestive system and metabolism, so digestive problems may occur in the stomach. These problems will be minimized when a life with regular sports and exercise is lived.
  • Eating regularly and healthily: During the day, there may be situations such as skipping meals or eating consecutively from time to time. Their persistence is negative for health. Adjusting the diet in a way that does not tire the stomach and does not disturb the balance is important in preventing the discomforts to be experienced.
  • Chewing food well: Foods that are eaten quickly and with little chewing will force the digestion of the stomach, so indigestion problems may occur. For this reason, food should be eaten slowly and chewed well.
  • Avoiding stress: Stress brings with it many health problems. The first of these is stomach problems. Providing stress management will prevent stomach discomfort to a large extent.
  • Drinking lots of water: Digestive problems in the stomach, like many other ailments, can be caused by a lack of water in the body. For this reason, consuming plenty of fluids and not leaving the body dehydrated will prevent indigestion.

Ibrahim Saracoglu suggestions that are good for indigestion

prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu has suggestions that can be used against indigestion problems and to help them pass. The first of these suggestions is lemon water and lemon balm tea. Ibrahim Saracoglu suggestions that are good for indigestion:

  • No smoking or use of cigarettes should be minimized.
  • Meals should be consumed in small portions.
  • After experiencing indigestion, products such as milk, alcohol, onions, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts should be avoided for a while and it should be tested whether the stomach is sensitive to these foods.
  • Since dental health affects the stomach very much, attention should be paid.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the portions are small and the meals go regularly.
