What is good for sore throat? How is sore throat treated at home?

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Burning throat is one of the symptoms that occur due to some diseases rather than a disease. It manifests itself in the flu infection, which is seen due to seasonal changes and cold weather, especially in spring and winter. It is also among the common symptoms of upper respiratory tract diseases.

What Is a Throat Burn?

Direct contact of acid, gastritis, other liquids, and mucus with the throat can cause a throat burn. In general, throat burning, which does not occur alone and manifests itself as a symptom of a disease, may be mild in some cases, but may require drug treatment in some cases.
A burning sensation in the throat and cough are among the symptoms that manifest themselves with most viral and bacterial infectious diseases. Throat burning cough complaints are often accompanied by throat dryness, sore throat, sputum, difficulty in swallowing, change in voice, hoarseness, itching sensation, weakness and in some cases fever. Throat burning, especially in bacterial diseases that require antibiotic treatment; It is observed with symptoms such as high fever, earache, throat swelling, bad breath and nasal discharge.
In addition to infectious diseases, heartburn and throat burning are also related, so some stomach conditions can also cause heartburn. One of the most common symptoms of stomach reflux is burning throat.

What Causes Throat Burn?

Everyone wonders “Why does a sore throat occur?” The answer to the question is actually simple and it is an issue that needs attention. In addition to viral and bacterial infectious diseases, other diseases can also cause sore throat. The main causes of sore throat are the following:
Pharyngitis: It is one of the diseases that manifests itself with the symptom of burning in the throat. It is a more common ailment, especially in the winter months when the air temperature is low. It can be caused by virus or bacteria. It is divided into acute and chronic.
Tonsillitis: It is a discomfort that often occurs with pharyngitis. In general, it is caused by viral infection, but rarely, it can be caused by bacteria.
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD): The acid and mucus in the stomach rises from the esophagus and then returns to the stomach. As a result of the constant contact of this acid with the throat, the throat becomes irritated and this can cause a sore throat.
Allergic rhinitis: It is a disease that occurs due to pollen. An allergy is an overreaction to a non-pathogenic substance. Rhinitis is the inflammation, edema or inflammation of the mucosa that covers the inside of the nose.
Apart from these diseases, flu, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, esophagitis, sinusitis, allergic reactions, burning mouth syndrome are among the main diseases seen in the winter months. Having knowledge about these diseases, “Why does a sore throat cause?” You get a little closer to the answer to your question.

What is Good for Sore Throat and Cough?

Bacterial “What is good for sore throat?” The answer to the question is often antibiotic therapy. In cases of sore throat due to viral infection or environmental factors, recovery can be achieved with natural treatment methods that can be applied at home.
Cough is one of the most common symptoms along with sore throat and sputum. The natural treatment methods that can be applied at home that are good for these diseases can be listed as follows:

  • gargling with salt water
  • Avoiding very hot and cold drinks
  • Avoiding extremely hot and spicy foods
  • Consuming herbal teas such as mint, chamomile, ginger, linden
    “What is good for sore throat and cough?” We briefly shared the answer to the question. You can strengthen your immunity in a short time by applying these natural and easy treatment methods.

How Is Throat Burn Treated?

Especially patients who are bothered by severe irritation and burning sensation, “What is good for sore throat, how does it go?” seeks answers to questions such as Burning throat is a disease that should be treated according to the accompanying disease. It can be said that when the underlying disease of the burning is treated, the burning of the throat will also pass.
In this sense, first of all, the cause of the combustion must be determined. In the treatment of bacterial infections, antibiotics and penicillin therapy are generally applied. Especially in chronic cases, drug therapy is of great importance.

However, it is not recommended to apply antibiotic treatment for sore throat that develops due to environmental factors and nutritional habits, especially viral infections. In this case, natural treatment methods can be applied at home in the treatment of the disease that causes the burning sensation. At the same time, the changes that the patient will make in his lifestyle are also very important.

It is recommended to reduce or completely quit smoking, especially in throat burns caused by the use of cigarettes and tobacco products. Likewise, in cases of sore throat due to excessive consumption of any food or beverage, a change in eating pattern will be sufficient for treatment.

In some cases, throat burning occurs due to allergic reactions. In particular, an allergy test should be done in the hospital to find the factor that causes allergic rhinitis. After the cause of the allergy is determined, the patient’s contact with this allergen can be easily prevented from burning the throat.

Take care of yourselves

To protect yourself from the diseases we have listed so far, make sure to use natural treatment methods and do not neglect your doctor’s check-ups. By keeping your immunity high, you can protect yourself from epidemic diseases.
