What is good for sinusitis? How is sinusitis treated at home with herbal and natural treatment methods?

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Especially in the winter months, ailments such as flu, colds and colds make people feel tired. Sinusitis, which is common in seasonal changes, is one of them. Intense sinusitis pain can become unbearable. So what is good for sinusitis, besides medication, what natural treatment methods can you try at home for sinusitis pain?

Sinusitis is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane in the sinuses. Headache and eye pain are the most common symptoms of sinusitis. The desire of the majority of those who research what is good for sinusitis is to relieve headaches. What can be done to relieve sinusitis pain that is unbearable and reduces the quality of life? Here are the formulas that you can apply at home to relieve nasal congestion and pain of sinusitis…

Reminding: Long-term sinusitis can cause serious problems. It is important for your health that you consult a doctor for the natural methods you will try and the treatment of sinusitis, and to apply both natural formulas and drug treatment as prescribed by your doctor.

What Is Good For Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a condition that causes excruciating pain. So much so that sometimes the drugs given may be ineffective. In this case, research is done to see what is good for sinusitis. For people looking for natural methods, methods that are good for sinusitis:

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is one of the spices you can use to relieve headaches caused by sinusitis. Prepare a paste by mixing one tablespoon of cinnamon powder with water. Add half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder to the paste. Apply this paste to your forehead, especially the upper part of your eyes.

Saltwater: Nasal congestion creates a great weight on your head, doesn’t it? You can try the salt water formula to relieve nasal congestion. Mix salt with hot water and squeeze this mixture into both nasal cavities. This will relax both your nose and your head.

Peppermint Steam: Another method you can use to open your nose and relax is inhaling mint steam. For this, boil water in a saucepan. Drop a few drops of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil into boiling water. Take a towel over your head and inhale the steam of these oils from your nose. Steam helps to soothe the mucosa and reduce sinus pain.

A Hot Soup: A warm nourishing soup, one of the best remedies for colds, is also good for your sinuses. Especially if you drink black pepper.

Ginger: Ginger, whose benefits are almost endless, is also perfect for sinus pain. You can take the juice of ginger and drink it, or you can make a paste of powdered ginger and milk and massage your forehead.

Spice: Spicy dishes help open your nose. Opening the nasal congestion will also relieve your headache.

Cold Compress: Sinusitis pain and swelling under the eyes may also occur. You can relieve swelling and ease your sinus pain by making a cold compress with an iced bag.

Massage with Essential Oils: One of the different methods you can try to relieve sinus pain is to massage the aching areas with various oils. Mix essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, thyme and peppermint oil and apply to the ear, forehead and neck areas and massage.

Message with Basil: Crush a few fresh basil leaves. Mix it with powdered ginger and a teaspoon of clove and massage your forehead.

Operation: Surgery for resistant chronic sinusitis is also an option. Of course, you need to decide whether you need surgery or not, with the guidance of your doctor, by thinking very carefully. The decision to operate is an important decision.

Do These Methods Work in the Treatment of Sinusitis?

After the things that are good for sinusitis, there are also things that should not be done when sinusitis. Doctors warn against some wrong practices for the healing of sinusitis.

Bitter Melon: One of the alternative treatments applied for sinusitis includes the plant called bitter melon. Bitter melon is applied to the nose directly or mixed with water, but bitter melon is not a treatment method in any way. Bitter melon applied in this way burns all the inflammatory or non-inflamed tissues in the nose. This is the reason why plenty of fluid comes out of the nose due to this application. Bitter melon carries the risk of allergic shock and death.

Plants that are thought to be good for sinusitis like this should not be sprayed into the nose. As in every disease, it is beneficial to seek help from your doctor for the best treatment method and not to try formulas and solutions that you have not approved by your doctor.

Cutting medications short: Antibiotics are the basis of drug treatment of sinusitis. In addition, in sinusitis, antibiotics should be used for a longer period of time, up to 4 weeks, compared to many diseases. When patients do not use drugs regularly and in sufficient length, they cause the disease to continue insidiously. Even if the symptoms of sinusitis are avoided, it is necessary to continue to use the drugs for the period specified by the doctor.

Smoking: There are some external factors that make it easier to get sinusitis. These are the factors that facilitate sinusitis, especially cigarettes, alcohol, polluted air, constantly being in closed environments, not cleaning the nose enough. In other words, medications alone may not be sufficient for the treatment of sinusitis, and you may need to change your habits and living conditions.

What Kind of Disease Is Sinusitis?

About sinusitis, one of the most common diseases in the world, Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Op. Dr. Yusuf Can gives information:

Causes of Sinusitis

The causes of sinusitis can vary from person to person. There are certain factors that everyone is sensitive to. Sinusitis is one of the disorders that occur due to these. Sinusitis may occur due to viruses, deviation, allergic rhinitis, polyps, turbinates and tooth infection. You can learn how these factors cause sinusitis by reading the explanations below:

Virus: The most common cause of sinus infection is adenoviruses, which cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Adenoviruses increase the risk of sinusitis because they mostly cause edema in the sinus mouth tracts. Extra caution is required in cold weather.

Deviation: The internal structure of the nose can also be the cause of sinusitis. The sinuses cannot be ventilated enough as a result of the deviation of the anatomical structures such as cartilage, bone and concha in the nose narrowing the nasal passage, and the air cannot pass through the nasal passage. This triggers sinusitis.

Allergic Rhinitis: Seasonal allergic rhinitis is also among the causes of sinusitis. Allergy medem, edema of the mucous membrane of the nose causes swelling of the turbinates, that is, nasal congestion. Therefore, viruses and infections are increasing.

Polyp: Polyps originating from the nasal mucosa infiltrate the sinus mouth and nasal passage. This can cause an infection in the sinuses. Since the secretions secreted by the polyps cover the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, nasal breathing decreases and headache occurs with inflammation in the sinuses.

Conchae: When the turbinates, which are part of the internal structure of the nose, are large, it can lead to narrowing and obstruction of the sinus mouth. This increases the risk of inflammation in the sinuses.

Tooth infection: Sinusitis can cause pain in the teeth, as well as infection in the tooth can lead to the formation of sinusitis. Research has revealed that infection in the upper molars and impacted wisdom teeth can lead to sinus infection. Unilateral bad breath, severe pain when touching the teeth may be a sign of sinusitis.

Symptoms of Sinusitis

During the winter months, some symptoms of diseases such as colds, flu and flu are similar, and sinusitis is among them. Symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • Headache
  • Eye pain
  • Weakness
  • High fever
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • bad breath
  • Postnasal drip
  • eye discharge
