What is good for reflux? What is reflux herbal treatment, how does it go at home?

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Reflux, known as stomach secretions reaching the mouth or esophagus, is more common in the 30-40 age group. Reflux causes an uncomfortable situation as a result of the stomach contents refluxing upwards. In order to get rid of the bitter taste and feeling of food in the mouth, it is necessary to take a look at herbal treatment methods and some simple applications.

What are the symptoms of reflux?

Among the symptoms of reflux, the prominent symptoms are:

  • heartburn and heartburn
  • feeling of bitter taste in the mouth
  • Coming to mouth of consumed food
  • chest pain
  • bad breath
  • dry cough
  • hoarseness
  • tooth decay

How does reflux go?

For the treatment of reflux, it is important to make the correct diagnosis first. It is strongly recommended to consult a specialist doctor. With different diagnostic methods, it can be understood whether you have reflux or not. Among these diagnostic methods performed by a specialist doctor, gastroscopy takes the first place.

When your doctor diagnoses reflux with the right diagnostic methods, he creates a special treatment plan for you. A large part of this treatment is some habitual advice that will change your lifestyle. Another part of the treatment consists of drugs that your doctor deems appropriate for you.

What is good for reflux?

Among the methods that can be good for reflux are some foods, herbal treatments you can do at home, and living habits. By taking these suggestions into consideration, you can prevent reflux from reducing your quality of life.

Foods good for reflux

There are some foods that can reduce your reflux complaints. By taking care to consume these foods, you can see that your complaints are reduced.

Here are the foods that are good for reflux:

  • Fibrous foods
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Broccoli
  • Cheese
  • Beans
  • Carrot

There are foods that are good for reflux, and there are foods that are not recommended for people with this disorder to consume. Among them;

  • spicy food,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • Alcohol,
  • Cigaret,
  • Onion,
  • Garlic,
  • sour foods,
  • Tomato paste,
  • fried foods,
  • Chocolate,
  • Coffee stands out.

Habits that are good for reflux

You can get rid of the negative effects of reflux by changing your lifestyle with some habits that are good for reflux. These habits are:

not sleeping after eating: It is recommended not to sleep for at least two hours after eating so that the angle between the stomach and the esophagus does not disappear. As a result of sleeping in a supine position, the likelihood of the food you eat may come into your mouth may increase.

eating slowly: It is recommended for those with reflux to chew each bite for a long time. It is known that eating slowly can reduce reflux symptoms.

drinking lots of water: It can be said that drinking plenty of water frequently and during the day is a habit that reduces reflux complaints.
Act: Taking short walks, especially after dinner, is an extremely relaxing habit for reflux patients.

What is a reflux diet?

Reflux diet is a portion and meal planning that does not tire the stomach. Helps relieve reflux symptoms. Fries, fatty and tomato paste dishes, as well as acidic beverages and caffeine-rich beverages are not included in this diet.

Correctly planning and applying the reflux diet in the company of your specialist doctor and dietitian can help eliminate the reflux problem.

How is reflux in babies?

Reflux problem in babies begins with complaints of vomiting. How many times a day and how the baby vomits, lying position, diet and many other factors are important for the diagnosis and treatment of reflux in infants.

The first step to be taken against reflux in babies is to inform the families. If there is no change in the symptoms seen in babies as a result of informing the families, treatment can be started under the supervision of a doctor.

The reflux bed helps to create a position in infants to prevent the escape of stomach acid. The reflux bed, which is frequently preferred by families in the reflux problem in babies, can provide positive feedback. Other suggestions that may be good for reflux in babies are as follows:

  • Keeping the baby upright for at least 30 minutes during and after eating
  • Using a reflux pillow to keep the baby’s head elevated while asleep
  • Making the right food choices when transitioning to complementary foods
  • Paying attention to burping the baby at regular intervals
  • Avoiding the use of clothes and swaddles that will tighten the baby’s waist circumference
