What is good for nausea? What are the home remedies for nausea?

What is good for nausea What are the home remedies

Developed for different reasons nausea sometimes it is treated at home with simple methods, sometimes it requires applying to a health institution. It is important to monitor additional symptoms in order to intervene in a timely manner for nausea, which may be a precursor to various diseases. Short-term nausea is simple. solution at home methods can be passed. Nausea, which can negatively affect social life, can develop due to many different reasons. Common causes include; food poisoning, excessive consumption of alcohol or nicotine, caffeinated beverages, drug poisoning, stomach ulcers, gastritis, appendicitis, motion sickness, migraine, stress, pregnancy and food intolerance. Nausea due to simple reasons herbal solutions While it is possible to treat it with a doctor, a doctor is consulted for diseases accompanied by some symptoms such as weakness, loss of consciousness, vomiting and dizziness.


Sometimes with personal effort and sometimes with the help of herbs, nausea can be relieved. Such methods are useful in cases where nausea does not develop with additional symptoms that may be a sign of a different disease. For this reason, if you are experiencing a simple nausea complaint, you can heal your discomfort in a short time by making the right intervention. Here are the applicable solutions:

  • Deep breathing and walking outdoors
  • Eating light salty foods such as chickpeas, toast or crackers if something needs to be consumed
  • Smelling cologne or fresh feel-good scents
  • A short nap or lying on your back for half an hour
  • Consuming foods such as hazelnuts, which are high in protein, as it may occur due to protein deficiency
  • Quickly moving away from a foul-smelling environment
  • Reviewing what has been consumed in the last 12 hours against the risk of food allergy


Nausea can be controlled with simple home remedies. When it comes to home remedies for nausea, natural herbal methods are the first to be researched. What is good for nausea?

Ginger, which is especially useful in digestive system disorders, can also be effective in relieving nausea. To consume ginger, fresh ginger is brewed and thrown into boiling water. It is consumed slowly after brewing in this way. Powdered ginger can also be preferred for digestive complaints.

  • Fennel Tea and Chamomile Tea

Teas are also used to enter the complaint of nausea. Teas thought to be effective include fennel tea and chamomile tea. After the tea is prepared, it can be sweetened with honey. Afterwards, it is consumed slowly and in small sips, when it is not very hot.

Peppermint and lemon are used to treat people who have had nausea since ancient times. This traditional method still remains valid. A tea prepared especially with mint and lemon peel is made and consumed slowly. On the other hand, care should be taken as the strong aroma may exacerbate nausea in some cases, and care is taken to keep the ratio of mint and lemon adequately. Those who do not want mint can also benefit from the positive effect of lemon on digestion by simply squeezing lemon into water. However, it should be noted that excessive consumption of lemon, which has an acidic structure, can cause harm.

Some women may also experience nausea during their menstrual periods. Cinnamon can be very effective, especially in nausea caused by menstruation.

Another commonly preferred method to suppress nausea is potatoes. Consuming enough boiled potatoes in moderation can help relieve nausea.

Chicken broth soup, which can also be referred to as sick soup, is one of the first methods to be applied in case of nausea, as in many ailments. Since it is low-fat and easy to digest, it can be consumed to relieve the stomach during nausea.

nausea during pregnancy


One of the most common cases of nausea is, of course, pregnancy. In this process, it is important to eliminate the possibilities that may cause nausea as well as to eliminate the complaint of nausea. In particular, it is necessary to stay away from odors and foods that can make you sick. Worrying that the baby is not getting enough nutrition can also negatively affect the stomach. In addition, it is of great importance that flowers, furniture and detergents that emit a lot of odor are placed in more isolated and airy areas such as balconies.

For morning sickness, foods such as saltine crackers can be consumed just before getting out of bed. In addition, linden and chamomile tea with lemon squeezed into it can also be effective in reducing nausea. Thyme tea is also known to be good for nausea. However, since consumption before 12 weeks can carry a risk, it is necessary to pay attention to the period of consumption and consult a doctor before consuming. Tea prepared with fresh ginger is good for nausea, but not every pregnant woman wants to consume ginger. For this reason, smelling ginger instead of drinking tea may also work a little.

nausea on the go


Nausea Journey may occur in some people. Even if the person driving the vehicle inside the vehicle is not affected, other people in the vehicle may be affected. Nausea can be triggered by the angle of the head, especially in situations such as dealing with the phone, reading a book or newspaper. Similarly, nausea may increase with the way the vehicle is going and the way of sitting in the vehicle.

In order to prevent this uncomfortable situation, anti-nausea medications can be taken under the control of a doctor before a long journey. On short trips, it is important not to tilt your head down as much as possible. Even if the book will be read or the phone will be dealt with, placing the book or phone at eye level can easily solve the problem.

In addition to these, not traveling in the seats on the wheels on the bus, not traveling in the wrong seat on the subway or train, and staying in the middle of the ship by focusing on the horizon line in cases of seasickness can relieve the complaint of nausea.


Nausea after drinking is also a common occurrence. In mild cases of nausea, breathing in and out of the fresh air may help in cases of alcohol-induced nausea. Nausea after alcohol It mainly occurs with a decrease in the level of alcohol in the blood. This condition may be accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, thirst, fatigue, headache, and rapid heartbeat. Especially when nausea occurs due to thirst, it is necessary to pay attention to fluid consumption after drinking alcohol. In addition to water, freshly squeezed fruit juice can also be preferred. However, in fruit selection, it would be better not to choose fruits with more acidity.

Avoiding spicy and oily meals after alcohol and choosing light meals instead of them helps to alleviate nausea. One of the best solutions for nausea caused by excessive drinking is to rest. Lying down at certain intervals during the day can reduce the negative effects of alcohol while resting the stomach and body.


nausea in children and accompanying vomiting can be a sign of various disorders such as urinary tract infection, intestinal infection and throat infection. With vomiting, harmful substances can be removed from the body. In addition, if fever is accompanied by difficulty or excessive vomiting in young children, it may be a sign of intestinal obstruction, so it may be necessary to consult a physician. In older children, frequent vomiting may be due to intestinal infections; In addition, diarrhea, fever and nausea may also occur. In rare cases, stomach ulcers and appendicitis can cause vomiting.

If vomiting occurs in children for a short time, it may not be necessary to consult a doctor. On the other hand, if it does not improve within 24 hours, water loss, decrease in urine, dry mouth and a situation that does not go well in the child, it is absolutely necessary to take him to a doctor. To relieve the discomfort, breast milk can be given to small children, water, diluted fruit juices, buttermilk, potatoes, yoghurt and bread can be given in small amounts but often in slightly older children.


Many people wonder if soda is good for nausea. It is investigated whether this method is an urban legend or whether it actually works. Especially in cases of nausea after drinking, lemon and salt put in soda is one of the most preferred methods to prevent nausea.


Nausea, which occurs for psychological reasons, manifests itself with physical symptoms. The main reason may arise from the inability to express emotions clearly. In individuals who cannot express their emotions, emotions may occur in the form of stomach and intestinal problems or pain. Underlying it may be the expression of tension, usually in a psychological sense. This situation, which usually manifests itself with physical problems, can make it difficult to understand the problem.

Vomiting, insomnia, diarrhea, not being able to enjoy life, staying away from society, feeling of distress, numbness, not being able to go to school and not being able to enter the family can also be seen in nausea due to psychological reasons. Once diagnosed, the ailment can be treated. On the other hand, it may be necessary to apply a special treatment protocol. In some cases, medications given by physicians for therapeutic purposes may also cause the patient to vomit more and experience nausea. It may be beneficial to go to a psychiatrist, especially if a person’s nausea complaint continues for more than normal and the complaints do not go away despite all the controls.


Nausea that develops due to simple reasons can be treated with some natural methods that can be applied at home, while in some cases, it may be necessary to consult a doctor without wasting time. These situations can be listed as follows:

  • Vomiting lasting more than two days in adults
  • Vomiting lasting more than one day in children
  • Vomiting lasting longer than a month, even if not every day
  • Experiencing weight loss

If you have vomiting, chest pain, severe abdominal pain, high fever, severe headache, blurred vision, dizziness or fainting, cold, clammy and pale skin, stiffness in the neck or neck, and inability to retain food or liquids in the stomach for 12 hours, seek immediate medical attention .


It is also frequently investigated which diseases may cause this complaint by people. Nausea; It may occur in cases of gastric hernia, hepatitis, reflux, tense bowel, pancreatic diseases, irritation of the intestinal lining, tense stomach, gall bladder disease, kidney disease, menstrual and viral constipation. For this reason, in cases where the complaint is severe or continuous, it is necessary to consult a physician without wasting any time. On the other hand, of course, nausea in the stomach may first bring to mind pregnancy.

On the other hand, nausea may occur due to stomach pains. Nausea may also occur in the brain. For example; Conditions such as meningitis, stroke, head injury and brain tumor, spinal cord or cerebral fluid-related disorders can also trigger nausea. It is known that inner ear infection and vertigo can also cause nausea. As it is known, it can occur due to distress and stress, due to anxiety and food sensitivity.
