What is good for nausea? Foods and natural remedies for nausea

What is good for nausea Foods and natural remedies for

It is a discomfort experienced by people of all ages, with consequences such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Nausea can be caused by certain diseases or sudden changes in the body. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find out what causes nausea. If you experience it frequently, you should consult a doctor. We investigate how the nausea experienced especially in the morning is cured. That’s why, in our article, we examined topics such as what causes nausea, how it passes, what is good for nausea, and we listed the foods that are good for nausea. Of course, let us remind you that these are for informational purposes only and that you should consult a doctor for the solution of serious and chronic problems related to stomach upset.

What Is Good For Nausea?

If nausea is not experienced constantly, it means that it is not due to a serious illness. The nausea that can happen to us in our daily lives can be relieved with some applications. We can list the things that are good for nausea as follows;

  • Fresh air is good for nausea. Thus, with the sudden hot flush after nausea, nausea decreases.
  • Smelling cologne and refreshing scents such as cologne (lavender, mint, ginger)
  • Lying down for a short time if you have dizziness with nausea
  • Taking a few sips of a sour drink like lemonade
  • If you vomit after nausea, it is necessary to consume fluids to reduce the body’s water loss. But whether this liquid is water, juice, soda or lemonade, it is necessary to drink it in sips. Otherwise, it will cause the nausea to reappear.
  • It is recommended to eat more yogurt than milk during nausea.
  • You should avoid carbonated drinks such as cola and caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee.
  • Pretzels are good for nausea caused by car sickness.
  • Avoiding bad odors that can trigger nausea
  • Avoid oily and heavy foods

Foods and Natural Remedies for Nausea

In addition to the medications your doctor recommends, there are also natural remedies for nausea. Some foods will help you get through this uncomfortable period.

1. Ginger

Ginger is a very beneficial herb for health. Whether we are sick or not, its regular consumption on a daily basis can prevent many diseases. At the same time, ginger is one of the foods that are good for nausea. For this reason, consuming ginger during nausea will help relieve nausea.

Ginger is good for nausea caused by motion sickness or morning sickness during pregnancy. For nausea that occurs in this way, you can prepare ginger tea and consume no more than 2-3 glasses a day. When making ginger tea, you should prefer the one made by slicing fresh ginger, not as a powder.

Ginger tea recipe for nausea: peel and grate a pinch of fresh ginger. Boil for 5 minutes in about 2 cups of water. You can consume it by mixing honey against the bitter taste of ginger.

2. Lemon

Another useful food for our body is lemon. Lemon is good for nausea caused by various reasons. Lemon is useful for nausea, especially during pregnancy. Since lemon has a sour taste, sometimes just smelling the lemon is good for nausea.

Lemon has the feature of helping to suppress the stomach. But this must be done in moderation. Otherwise, we may do more harm than good. You can find a cure for nausea with the juice of half a lemon that you can squeeze into plain water or herbal teas.

3. Mint

For nausea, mint is good both with its smell and its aroma. Even smelling peppermint during an upset stomach can relax you. Chewing one or two leaves of mint, which is very beneficial for our health along with the flavor it gives to the food, will be good for your nausea.

Drinking mint lemon tea or just mint tea will also relax your stomach and help relieve nausea. For mint tea, add a spoonful of mint to a glass of water and boil it for five minutes. You can add honey or lemon if you want.

Apart from this, peppermint oil is also good for your nausea with its refreshing feature. Consuming mint regularly is beneficial for health. But mint is not good for heartburn. Consuming peppermint during heartburn may increase the discomfort rather than relieve it.


4. Apple

Apple is a beneficial food for our health with its content and fibrous structure. This fibrous structure of apple is also good for nausea. On the other hand, consuming more than one apple at a time, which also helps to remove toxins from the body, may increase nausea. As you can eat the apple directly, consuming it in puree form will also be a solution to nausea.

5. Other nutrients

Among the foods that are good for nausea, we can count chamomile and linden teas with lemon squeezed into them. Thyme tea is also good for nausea. Solid foods such as boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, bananas, and rice porridge are a separate solution. Eating watermelon will be good for your stomach to prevent dehydration after vomiting, which is an event that develops with nausea.

Medications Good for Nausea

If you feel nauseous and want to get rid of this unpleasant feeling, there are of course various medicines that you can use besides natural solutions. You can consult your pharmacist about over-the-counter drugs and get information about drugs that are good for nausea. However, as the pharmacist will suggest, if your nausea is at a level that will cause you discomfort, you should definitely consult a doctor. Your doctor will determine the cause of nausea and start the most effective drug treatment to solve the problem.

What is Nausea?

Nausea or nausea is a discomfort that results in the desire to vomit, and it is not correct to say stomach disease. Nausea is one of the symptoms of some ailments that are mostly stomach or unrelated to the stomach. An example of nausea that indicates a different state in another part of the body is motion sickness. Nausea can be caused by simple causes such as motion sickness, smell and stress, or it can be a symptom of a serious illness.

The urge to vomit as a result of nausea is dependent on the brain. The center that regulates this movement receives the stimuli from the inner ear and digestive system, as well as the stimuli from the sensory regions such as the ear and the eye. Sudden changes that occur in these areas create a desire to vomit with the stimulation of the center. In the case of nausea, conditions such as sweating, loss of appetite, decrease in blood pressure, and increased salivation can be observed in the person.

What Causes Nausea?

Even if the stomach is the first thing that comes to mind as the cause of nausea, it is more likely to be due to other ailments. It is possible that the nausea is due to a serious condition. Therefore, if it happens frequently, you should see a doctor and take the necessary precautions. The causes of nausea can be listed as follows:

Addison’s Disease, Alcoholism, Appendicitis, Brain tumor, Saturation disease, Cancer, General medication, Depression, Diabetes, Flu, Food poisoning, Gastroenteritis, Reflux, Heart attack, Kidney failure, Migraine, Nervousness, Pancreatitis, Peptic Ulcer, Pregnancy, Smoking drinking, Balance disorder, Hepatitis…


Nausea That Requires Seeking a Doctor

We have said that nausea can be due to simple reasons or it can be a symptom of an important ailment. If you experience some symptoms along with nausea, you should see a doctor immediately. These situations are: rapid breathing, palpitations, blood in the vomit, the smell of stool from the vomit, fainting, blurred vision, high fever, severe abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, chest pain. Your doctor will determine the cause of these serious symptoms you experience besides nausea with the tests he will do and will shape your treatment accordingly.
