What is good for mouth sores? Does mouth sore (Aft) heal with natural treatment methods?

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Mouth sores, aphthae, make it difficult to eat, drink, and sometimes even talk. Why does mouth sore occur and what is good for mouth sores?

What is aphtha?

Mouth sores, also known as aphthous ulcers in medicine, are round wounds in the mouth that are white in the middle and reddish around the periphery. It can occur in sensitive and soft areas such as the tongue and cheeks, as well as in harder areas such as the gums and palate. These sores, which cause pain and ache, are one of the most common oral diseases. Non-contagious aphthae are more common in women than men. Healing of the inflamed tissue can usually occur spontaneously. Although the recovery time varies according to the size of the aft, it can vary from 1 week to 1.5 months.

Are There Different Types of Aphthae?

Aphthae that arise in the mouth and often recur at irregular intervals can be of different types and sizes. Oral aphthae, which are basically divided into 3; These are called minor aphthae, major aphthae, and herpetiform aphthae. Minor aphthae are a common type that can occur frequently in many individuals. These wounds, which cause moderate pain, can be seen singly or multiple times. It heals within a week or two without leaving any traces on the mucosa. They are defined as relatively more superficial ulcers. Less common major aphthae are grayish or white aphthae greater than 1 cm in diameter. There is a recovery period of 2-6 weeks and they can leave scars. May cause fever and malaise. Herpetifoma aphthae, on the other hand, are found in numerous groups with a diameter of 1-2 mm. Small aphthae may coalesce. It heals in 7 days to 30 days without leaving a trace and is more common in advanced ages.

What Causes Aphthae? What are the Causes?

The answer to the question of why mouth sores occur is still not fully known. However, among the known reasons, first of all, there is a low immune system and the body’s resistance to decrease during disease periods and become more open to microbes. In addition, genetic predisposition from the family is also extremely important. Although some people have very strong immune systems, they have spent most of their lives with aphthae. Although there is no aphthae until a certain age, people may have aphthae in their mouths during pregnancy or different hormonal changes or hormonal diseases. Aphthae can also occur in vitamin C and D deficiency, iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency in the body, as a side effect of drug use or as a result of biting the cheek for a long time. In periods of high stress and anxiety, body immunity may decrease and become more open to mouth sores.

What Are the Symptoms of Aphthae? How Do You Know You Have Aphthae?

Although it differs from person to person, severe pain and sores in the mouth at first are symptoms of aphthae. Before the wounds, tingling or slight tingling may occur. After a while, these pains leave themselves as round wounds with red edges, white inside, gray or yellowish. Eating can become much more difficult after the wounds heal. Although not many, the wounds in the mouth can sometimes reach the outer part of the mouth and cause painful days to the person. In advanced and more serious cases, symptoms such as fever, fatigue, swelling in the lymph can be observed.

Is There a Treatment for Aphthae?

No treatment is applied for mouth sores that heal spontaneously within 7-10 days. However, in very painful and painful cases, a treatment plan to be drawn up with the physician is good. This plan aims to accelerate recovery by controlling more pain.

How Are Aphths Passed?

The size and severity of aphthae may differ from person to person. Anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug treatment may be recommended for advanced mouth sores. At the same time, mouth sore cream is an effective method of treatment. In cases where there is no response to these treatments, injection-form treatments can be applied. After starting the treatment, there is a decrease in pain and sores.

Does Aphtha Heal Naturally?

Everyone’s body and immune system is different. However, aphthae that do not reach very serious dimensions can also easily heal naturally. For a solution to mouth sores, it is important to protect the wounds from acidic, irritating foods. By staying away from acidic and hot foods for a while, you can heal mouth sores by strengthening the immune system. Mouthwash recipes recommended by physicians are also applied by patients. For sores in the mouth, you can put half a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water and gargle 3-4 times a day to help the wounds heal. Sumac, which is among the spices, is very effective in the treatment of aphthae. If you rinse your mouth after mixing a spoonful of sumac in a glass of warm water, you can help reduce the infection on the wound by cleaning the viruses in the mouth.

Aphthae in Babies and Children

In cold weather such as winter months, especially infants and children may decrease in the immune system. Such conditions, which are open to the disease, also trigger the formation of aphthae. In the answer to the question of what causes mouth sores in babies, there is a lack of nutrition, vitamin D deficiency, just like in adults. Problems such as resisting eating, loss of appetite, increased salivation, mild fever, and sucking problems also lead to aphtha formation, especially in infants. Aphthae may occur in the oral mucosa of young children where you cannot see them. It may take time to be noticed and the healing process at these times. It is important to consult a doctor in such cases, especially in infants and young children.
