What is good for indigestion? What is good for indigestion at home, what to do to get rid of indigestion?

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Indigestion may occur with other diseases or may mimic other diseases. People suffering from indigestion should rest very well. Whether the complaints of indigestion are related to food, hunger, day or night, frequency, severity and order should be well expressed by the patient. What is good for indigestion? What to do, what to eat to get rid of indigestion?


Indigestion can present with many complaints. Sometimes there is pain, cramping, pressure, throbbing, thin burning in the stomach. These may be ulcer type indigestion. Sometimes there may be reflux type indigestion manifested by burning, souring and boiling. It is a movement disorder style indigestion that manifests itself with the feeling of pressure, inability to empty, and not grinding in the stomach.

Indigestion can present with many different findings. When we start to feel some stomach-related complaints in daily life, if these complaints are more than 2 weeks, it should be brought to mind that it is a harbinger of indigestion and a doctor should be consulted.


Indigestion can be a symptom of many diseases. Indigestion alone can act like many diseases. But reflux can begin, imitating indigestion. Or there really is an ulcer, it can manifest itself as a feeling of indigestion. Bloating and gas can cause difficulties for stomach digestion.

With the breakdown of gastric acids in the stomach, bile acids combine and a balanced absorption environment is formed in the intestines. Disruption of this environment can cause very serious complaints of indigestion.

  • Pancreatic diseases,
  • Pancreatic enzyme disorders,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • diabetes,
  • Indigestion can occur due to thyroid hormone disorders.
  • Benign or malignant mass tumoral lesions of the stomach itself,
    Even catching cancer at an early stage may be possible with complaints of indigestion.

We should definitely be on the alert and not delay going to the doctor.


Indigestion can occur with the complaints of many diseases. These can range from reflux to burning, sourness, pain from boiling to ulcers, movement disorders, bloating and gas.

Changes in eating, drinking, diet and living habits can easily result in stomach complaints. Summer fruits can cause more digestive problems. There may be more reflux complaints during the citrus season.

Therefore, many pictures such as eating and drinking habits, cooking, greasy frying, late night eating habits, excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption can be encountered with stomach pain, burning and bloating.

Apart from these, rheumatic, vascular, connective tissue diseases affecting the stomach, hormonal disorders are events that directly affect digestion. Therefore, we should never forget that many diseases will present with indigestion.

Many systemic diseases, life habits, physical activity, stress can cause indigestion. It should not be forgotten that important diseases may underlie and steps must be taken beforehand.


Definitely needs to be regulated in eating habits. The important point here is the individual-oriented treatment. Complaints caused by the food eaten differ from person to person. In addition to these, triggering factors such as stress are also important. Foods that relieve inflammation, heal ulcers, and relieve stomach digestion can be consumed. It should be fed little and often.

In stomach-friendly diet, blueberry, celery can be consumed, potatoes can be boiled, apples can be eaten. Pineapple is a food that can cause gas, but you can find formulas that relieve your digestion with anti-gas plants by passing it through a blender.

So first of all;

  • Eating and drinking habits must be corrected,
  • Stress should be avoided
  • Adequate activities should be provided.
  • Apart from this, steps should be taken together with the doctor, endoscopy and ultrasound should be performed.
  • Minimum medication should be tried to create maximum pleasure.


When any food comes to the stomach, it is broken down by acid. If you make it difficult for a food to be broken down by acid in the stomach, if you prolong the emptying time of the stomach to about 2.5 hours, you will suffer from indigestion. Reflux may increase due to prolonged, gastritis exacerbation may be experienced with increased acid secretion. Therefore, attention should be paid to a high-fat diet.

  • Olive oil must be kept on the tables.
  • Sesame and canola oil can be preferred.
  • Refined oils such as hazelnut and sunflower should not be consumed in meals.
  • You can prepare meals with these oils, not in the form of frying, but in boiling mode, by spreading greaseproof paper in the oven.
  • Eating large amounts, mixing meals, not consuming small portions makes it difficult to empty the stomach.
  • It is necessary to consume beneficial plants that we know as stomach-friendly.
  • Fat-carbohydrate ratio should be used carefully.
  • Walnuts, hazelnuts, damsons, apricots can be consumed as snacks.
  • Probiotic yogurts are also one of the snacks.


When we learn that indigestion complaints are not due to other diseases, we should learn what triggers it, how we should be fed, what cooking methods we should use.

When the food is digested, the acid becomes maximum in approximately 2.5 hours. At that time, you may see an increase in the amount of acid, such as scraping and chopping.

If these happen frequently, it means that your disease is exacerbating. When your complaints become very frequent, you should contact the doctor and have endoscopy, ultrasound and blood tests should be done when necessary.

Misuse of aspirin and rheumatic pain relievers is also effective in this. It is important to use drugs when necessary, but long-term drugs should not be used.


Some foods that support the stomach and digestive system help to relieve indigestion in a short time by helping the stomach relax.

  • Fennel,
  • powdered cumin,
  • ginger,
  • apple cider vinegar,
  • Cinnamon,
  • anise seed,
  • citrus fruits,
  • Mint,
  • Daisy,
  • Clove,
  • Pineapple juice

Those who are looking for natural solutions at home to get rid of indigestion, which is a digestive system problem, can include these foods in their nutrition program.


As long as you do not continue to eat a stomach-friendly diet, as long as you consume drugs and foods that harm the stomach, as long as you consume cigarettes and alcohol, as long as you eat too much, if you have an unbalanced diet during the day, of course, indigestion will not go away.

If you are making snacks by taking simple precautions, consuming fruits and vegetables that are good for the stomach as smooth snacks in boiled mode, you may have protected the stomach to a large extent.

Therefore, most of the complaints that will say indigestion in the stomach go away with simple steps. If this does not go away, know that there is a serious problem at the bottom.

It may be a stress-related problem, it may need to be eliminated, it may be exacerbation of gastritis, ulcer or reflux, not indigestion.


Undesirable events, with the individual’s malnutrition against his own body, with long-term changes, with the deterioration of the pH balance in both the stomach and the intestine, with the toxic effects of exposed bile acids in the intestine and with the increase of unwanted bacteria, with the increase of intestinal permeability and their transfer to other organs, undesirable events are the steps that will play a role in cancer and trigger triggers. They can be pioneers. It cannot be tried for sure, but it can be thought that these may happen in the long term in the form of a hypothesis.
