What is good for hoarseness, why does it happen? Is natural treatment for hoarseness possible at home?

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Hoarseness is a very disturbing and frustrating situation, especially for those who need to talk frequently during the day due to their work, such as teachers, call center workers, lawyers. People whose voice is hoarse or irritated in some way ask a friend or friend what is good for hoarseness or look for advice on the internet to get rid of it. We have compiled the drinks that are good for hoarseness and listed the things that may cause hoarseness.


There are many natural remedies for hoarseness. These range from herbal teas to spiced milks. Here are the suggested solutions when it comes to what is good for hoarseness…


One formula recommended by singers and vocal artists who pay maximum attention to their voices is milk with honey and black pepper. Like many recommended for hoarseness or throat irritation, this formula’s focus is honey.

Echinacea Tea

Hoarseness is often seen in upper respiratory tract infections, disorders affecting your throat. Echinacea tea is recommended for such ailments. Echinacea tea, which is beneficial to the immune system, is good for allergies, colds and colds. It will also help to relieve hoarseness when consumed with care not to drink excessively hot.


Orange juice or the juice of a citrus fruit such as tangerine or grapefruit helps to heal your vocal cords thanks to the vitamin C it contains. There are two issues that orange juice drinks should pay attention to for hoarseness. First of all, of course, orange juice cannot be drunk hot, but especially when you have a problem in your throat, it should not be drunk cold. Another is that the fruit acid, which is abundant in orange juice, can also cause some discomfort. Therefore, if you add some water and dilute it, you will both drink it more comfortably and take vitamin C for hoarseness.

Chamomile Tea

One of the herbal teas you can try for hoarseness is chamomile tea. Insomnia, cough etc. Chamomile tea, which is good for many things, is also good for hoarseness. Especially against ailments in your throat that may cause hoarseness… Drinking chamomile tea with honey helps soften your throat.


Especially in winter, diseases such as colds and upper respiratory tract infections can also affect your throat and voice. Ginger is one of the herbs recommended against such diseases. When you make ginger tea, which is good for inflammation and has antioxidant properties, and drink it with honey, it not only relaxes your throat, but also helps you to recover from your disease and thus regain your voice. You can learn about other benefits of ginger from our article below.


We mentioned the importance of vitamin C in orange juice. You can make a good vitamin C supplement for your disease with lemon juice that you dilute with water and drink at room temperature.


Turmeric milk, also called golden milk, is recommended against hoarseness. Turmeric milk mixture, which is good for hoarseness, has many more benefits. You can access more information about the benefits of turmeric and the turmeric milk recipe from our article below.


It may taste unpleasant, but salt water is also a formula you can use to get your voice back. However, contrary to other suggestions, salt water is used for gargling, not for drinking. You can speed up the recovery of your voice by gargling thoroughly with salt water, which is also recommended for the treatment of gums and mouth.


Radish juice is also helpful to restore your voice. Of course, we say radish juice, but we will not directly extract the juice from the radish. First, boil the radishes in water and drain them. You need to drink the radish water you have filtered by mixing it with honey.



Upper respiratory tract infection is one of the main causes of hoarseness. The upper respiratory tract refers to the nose, mouth entrance and trachea. Viral infections in these areas cause edema and discharge in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The vocal cords can also be indirectly affected by these edema and discharges. For this reason, there may be a decrease in the voice in diseases such as cold and flu.

In the case of laryngitis, the vocal cords are directly affected. The degree of hoarseness originating from the upper respiratory tract may vary. In order to regain your voice, you need to get rid of the disease and the mucous membrane. Many of the natural remedies we share in our article can help you in this direction.


Another discomfort that can cause hoarseness is reflux. Because of the problem in the lower stomach cover, the stomach goes up to the esophagus and throat, it is called reflux. Stomach acid, which is a strong acid, may also come to the larynx region during this upward climb. In a condition called laryngopharyngeal reflux, the vocal cords can be damaged. It is useful to see a specialist, especially if there is hoarseness after meals and the need to clear the throat frequently.


Some actions and conditions such as sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, smoking can cause postnasal drip. A postnasal drip on its own was already quite a nuisance. If you feel the feeling of clearing the throat intensely, there will be a hangover in the throat. If the nasal discharge goes down well, it can also affect the vocal cords. You should definitely consult a doctor to find out what causes nasal discharge.


Other enemies of the vocal cords are nodules and polyps. There may be different reasons for long-term calluses, ie nodules, in the vocal cords. Smoking or heavy use of the voice can lead to nodules and, accordingly, malfunction of the vocal cords. In addition, the progression of local edema can form small bumps, namely polyps, in the vocal cords.

Nodules and polyps can cause hoarseness as they can prevent the vocal cords from vibrating. So how are nodules and polyps treated? In addition to surgical intervention, sound therapists or otolaryngologists can help with different solutions.


Frequent or habitual abuse of the voice can lead to serious hoarseness problems. Especially in adolescence, when people’s voice finds itself, the wrong use of voice causes hoarseness by creating changes in the movements of the vocal cords. So what does misuse of sound mean? Match, concert, music bar etc. In loud environments such as talking loudly for long periods of time, singing, shouting, etc. It creates trauma to the se strings.


Another thing that can cause hoarseness is problems in the muscles that move the vocal cords. If there is a problem in these nerves, which provide the movement of the vocal cords, it causes the vocal cords to not move properly, which can cause hoarseness. The reason why these nerves do not work properly may be neurological disorders, diseases affecting the area where the nerves are located, external interventions such as masses or thyroid surgery.

laryngeal cancer

Perhaps the most serious condition that causes hoarseness is laryngeal cancer. Smoking and heavy alcohol use along with it, genetic and some viral diseases are among the main causes of laryngeal cancer. Tumors in the larynx can prevent the movement of the vocal cords and also cause deterioration in the structure of the larynx. This causes hoarseness along with the symptoms of cancer.
