What is good for hoarseness? Is olive oil good for hoarseness?

The hoarseness problem is generally experienced for a while. In cases of long-lasting hoarseness, this hoarseness can also be a sign of permanent disorders. It is important to consult a doctor without delay, especially in cases of hoarseness, which is accompanied by other problems.

What causes hoarseness?

Hoarseness may have more than one cause. It is important to first determine why hoarseness occurs, as there is a possibility of serious illnesses behind it. Many reasons, from tonsils to vocal cord fatigue, can cause hoarseness. Some of the most obvious and well-known causes of hoarseness are:

  • reflux
  • sinus infections
  • speaking out loud
  • using the voice incorrectly
  • smoking
  • Allergic conditions
  • lung infections
  • Cyst
  • Neurological diseases
  • polyps

What is good for hoarseness?

Hoarseness, which requires serious treatment, can sometimes be temporary and harmless. In such cases, fatigue may occur in the throat or vocal cords and the problem can be resolved by making a few applications. Some situations and practices that are known to be best for lowering the voice are:

  • Consuming honey or lemon teas
  • consuming warm liquid
  • drinking plenty of water
  • Gargling with warm salt water
  • Gargling with vinegar water
  • Consuming licorice and ginger
  • Olive oil

How to cure hoarseness?

Speaking in a whisper or speaking too loudly are among the main causes of hoarseness. Therefore, when hoarseness occurs, the first thing you need to do is rest your voice and not talk.
Once the source of the hoarseness problem, which has various treatments, is identified, the solution is developed accordingly. Various treatment methods are applied depending on the cause of hoarseness. It is necessary to comply with the treatment methods prescribed by the doctor.

Is drinking something hot good for hoarseness?

Especially in winter months, hoarseness may occur due to reasons such as cold. In these cases, it is necessary not to tire the voice and to rest the vocal cords by not speaking for a while. Soothing the throat by drinking herbal teas can also speed up the healing process.

However, it is important that the herbal teas or various drinks you drink are lukewarm, not hot. The throat, tonsils or even vocal cords can be burned or damaged by a very hot drink. For this reason, it is necessary to drink water and other beverages by warming them.

Is olive oil good for hoarseness?

Hoarseness is a problem that can be experienced in both adults and children. It can develop due to many different reasons. It is a condition that can sometimes be experienced as a sign or symptom of serious diseases.

Many solutions are recommended for hoarseness that children or adults may experience. Consuming it by mixing honey and ginger and olive oil is one of these solution suggestions. Although it is known that olive oil is good for hoarseness, the best method would be to go to the doctor without wasting time when this problem occurs.

A cold or flu can also cause hoarseness during the illness or for a while after the illness has passed. Not smoking, not consuming alcoholic or carbonated drinks; It is also important not to drink too hot or hot drinks during this process.
