What is good for heart palpitations? Natural remedies for heart palpitations

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Anyone with or without a heart problem may face the problem of heart palpitations. Stress and anxiety, especially during the day, can cause heart palpitations. It is necessary to determine the cause of this problem well. Because a treatment method is applied accordingly. If it is not caused by a serious problem, natural remedies for heart palpitations can be found at home.

What causes heart palpitations?

The causes of heart palpitations vary from person to person. Lifestyle and diet play a big role in this problem. The causes of heart palpitations can be listed as follows:

  • Fasting for a long time causes blood sugar to drop, which can result in heart palpitations.
  • Heart palpitations may occur after intense exercise.
  • Heart palpitations can occur as a result of overworking the thyroid gland.
  • Consuming caffeine heavily disrupts the rhythm of the heart. People who consume too much tea and coffee may experience heart palpitations during the day.
  • One of the symptoms seen in women approaching menopause is heart palpitations.
  • The heart is an organ that can be easily affected by vitamin deficiency. Therefore, heart palpitations may occur.
  • Medications used for depression and diet can cause heart palpitations.
  • If there is a heart palpitation problem in children, it may be an infection or a hormonal disorder.
  • People with congenital heart failure may experience heart palpitations at regular intervals.
  • This problem may occur even if foods that cause heart palpitations such as fatty, creamy, excessive sauces, chocolate, onions, broth are consumed excessively.

It is very important to determine which of the above reasons the heart palpitations are based on. In this way, the correct answer to the question of what causes palpitation can be given and the right treatment method can be applied.

What are the symptoms of heart palpitations?

Symptoms of heart palpitations occur at a level that the person can feel. If these symptoms are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Heart palpitations may include:

  • It can be manifested by nausea.
  • Difficulty in breathing may occur due to heart palpitations.
  • There may be dizziness.
  • The pulse may become irregular. The heart rate can be very high even at rest.
  • You may feel as if you are going to pass out with heart palpitations.
  • Fatigue and dizziness during the day can be a sign of heart palpitations.
  • A choking sensation may occur.
  • The person can feel the heartbeat.
  • Vomiting may occur.
  • Temporary loss of consciousness may occur.
  • Darkening of the eyes may occur.

People who experience these symptoms ask “How to lower the heart rate?” she may wonder. The most common symptom during heart palpitations is a very high pulse. Breathing deeply, washing the face with cold water, performing the valsalva maneuver, and the carotid maneuver may be effective in lowering the pulse.

How does heart palpitation go?

In order for heart palpitations to pass, it is first necessary to find the factor that causes it. For example, tobacco products, caffeine, and some drugs can trigger heart palpitations. If these products are consumed, they should be avoided to prevent heart palpitations. First of all, when this problem is experienced, it is useful to take a deep breath. Then you need to sit down and rest. Afterwards, drinking a glass of water and splashing cold water on the face may help. For those who wonder what is good for rhythm disorder, it is recommended to consume foods that support heart health. In this way, the heart can be strengthened against possible palpitations and the risk of experiencing this problem is minimized. Foods that are good for heart rhythm disorders can be listed as follows:

  • raw nuts
  • Oat
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Dark chocolate
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • peanut butter
  • Chard and Spinach
  • green leafy vegetables
  • Yogurt
  • Cinnamon

Although it is known that consuming these foods is good for heart palpitations, it is beneficial to consume them under the supervision of a physician.

In order to determine what is good or not for heart palpitations, the factor that causes heart palpitations must be found. Heart palpitations can be mild or severe. If the cause of the heart palpitations is not a serious problem, the person can have heart palpitations at home with their own methods. But if there is a big reason behind this problem, a doctor should definitely be consulted. Because it may be necessary to take medication for this, natural solutions at home may not be enough.

In order to have a heart palpitation, the person must first know why he or she has this problem. For this, different solutions can be applied. For example, if he has consumed a lot of caffeine during the day, he can relieve heart palpitations by avoiding coffee and tea. In addition, solutions such as avoiding smoking, not doing heavy movements for a while, not being in very hot environments, and getting fresh air can be tried. It is also very important for people with heart palpitations to stay away from stress.

How to cure heart palpitations at home?

It is seen that a lot of research has been done on what is good for heart palpitations at home. It is possible to relieve heart palpitations with natural methods. Plants such as mint and thyme are among the plants used to relieve heart palpitations at home. It is also known that some teas are good for heart palpitations. Herbal teas that are good for heart palpitations include lavender tea. People are more likely to experience stress due to heart palpitations. Lavender, on the other hand, is effective in calming stress and calming the person with its scent. Therefore, it is recommended to consume lavender tea during heart palpitations.

Is Melissa tea good for heart palpitations?

Some herbal teas can be good for heart palpitations. One of these herbal teas is lavender tea and the other is lemon balm tea. Thanks to the relaxing and calming effect of Melissa tea, the person’s heart palpitations can pass. At the same time, people who have sleep problems can easily fall asleep by consuming lemon balm tea. In this way, insomnia due to heart palpitations can be prevented. Although lemon balm tea is not directly good for heart palpitations, it can be good for reducing the symptoms of heart palpitations or for results such as restlessness, stress and insomnia experienced after heart palpitations.
