What is good for gum swelling? What are the natural methods to eliminate gum swelling at home?

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One of the oral health problems that individuals of all ages may encounter is gum swelling and inflammation. Sensitivity and bleeding in the use of toothbrush and dental floss can be a sign of gum disease. You can reduce gum sensitivity with a few applications at home.

Why Does the Gum Swell?

Oral health problems are among the diseases that reduce the quality of life of the person and negatively affect the social life. One of the common health problems in children and adults is swelling of the gums. Gum swelling can have many causes. It will be beneficial for you to consult experts for gingival swelling that lasts more than a few days.

What Causes Gum Swelling?

Gum swelling, which causes serious pain and reduces daily comfort, can occur for different reasons. The reasons for the occurrence of gingival swelling, which has different causes, from the use of the wrong toothbrush, to bumps, from unhealthy diet to oral hygiene:

  • Unhealthy diet, insufficient oral hygiene and tooth decay can cause gum swelling. In addition, harsh intervention with a toothbrush can cause damage and swelling of the gums.
  • Swelling is common in children due to improper use of the toothbrush. After a hard brush stroke, the gums become sensitive and swollen. In some cases, bleeding may also occur.
  • Gum swelling due to impact may pass within 2-3 days. There may be health problems under the swelling that takes a long time to heal and increases pain.
  • Gums may swell as a symptom of vitamin deficiencies, infections and inflammations due to irregular nutrition. In such cases, instead of alternative treatment methods, you should consult your dentist and start using medication. In this way, you can start treatment quickly and regain your health.
  • In addition, the side effects of some medications can also cause gum discomfort. You can review the package inserts of the drugs you have just started to use. You can change the medications that have gingival disorders in their side effects by consulting your doctor.

What Are the Symptoms of Gum Swelling?

Gum diseases, one of the oral health problems that make it difficult to eat and speak, negatively affect daily life. Gum swelling is among the health problems that can be seen in individuals of all ages. There may be different factors among the causes of this disorder, which is common in children and adults.

  • Malnutrition, alcohol or smoking, neglect of oral hygiene and some diseases are among the causes.
  • Also, infections and inflammations can cause tenderness and swelling of the gums.
  • You can detect this ailment yourself, which shows similar symptoms in children and adults.
  • In adults, 20-year-old gingival swelling can often be due to inflammation.
  • The situation that causes pain and sensitivity negatively affects social life.
  • Sometimes, gingival discomfort that goes away in a short time can last for weeks in some cases.

By learning the causes of gum swelling, you can apply a correct and effective treatment.

Some of the common symptoms seen in adults and children are as follows:

  • redness
  • The appearance of white inflammation in the part of the swelling
  • Pain
  • dark red gums
  • Swelling in more than one part and closure of the tooth periphery
  • Discomfort with hot and cold food
  • Bleeding when using dental floss and brushing
  • Pain when talking and eating

These substances are among the common symptoms that can be seen in individuals of all ages. Gingival swelling is divided into two as diseases that require treatment and that can pass without medication.

How Does Gum Swelling Go?

This discomfort may go away on its own or may require medication. Swelling that is not due to inflammation and diseases can disappear in a short time by itself and with alternative methods applied at home. Medication may be required for long-term illnesses. Therefore, in inflammatory diseases, antibiotic treatment should be applied after the examination by specialists.

What Is Good For Gum Swelling?

There can be various causes of gum disease seen in individuals of all ages. Medical support may be required when home methods are not sufficient for its treatment. Different treatment methods are applied according to the cause of the swelling. How to solve gingival swelling with natural methods at home?

Mouthwash treatments can be recommended in response to those who say how to treat gingival swelling in adults and children. You can reduce discomfort and sensitivity with mouthwashes that can be easily prepared at home.

The answer to those who say what is good for gum swelling is salt water mouthwash. You can do salt water gargle 2-3 times a day, which positively affects oral health. Salt water, which destroys bacteria, reduces sensitivity in the mouth. It helps to reduce swelling in a certain period of time.

Apart from these, what is good for gum swelling?

  • Brushing the teeth regularly and paying attention to oral hygiene are among the conditions that positively affect the treatment process.
  • Regular cleaning of bacteria in the mouth helps reduce inflammation around the swelling.
  • After brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, you can gargle with sage, which has antiseptic properties.
  • You should choose soft-headed brushes to avoid irritating sensitive gums.
  • Using a hard-headed toothbrush can lead to gum disease in children and adults.
  • Swelling caused by impact usually does not require medication. You can solve the problem by careful and sensitive brushing.
  • In case of discomfort lasting longer than a week, it is recommended to consult your doctor.
