What is good for foot odor? Home treatment is possible with natural methods that eliminate foot odor.

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The problem of foot odor, which can happen to everyone in daily life, not only bothers the person, but also reduces his motivation. This problem, which affects the social life of the person, may occur due to a reason such as sweating of the feet during the day. For this, there are many natural and easy-to-apply foot odor removal methods. What is good for foot odor?

What Causes Foot Odor?

In the daily routine, the feet that stay in the shoes all day sweat and as a result of this sweat, bacteria are formed. Bacteria formed accumulate in feet, shoes and socks. Thus, even if another shoe is worn, the foot odor caused by that bacteria will be repeated. One of the main causes of foot odor is sweating. The over-working of the thyroid glands can also cause foot odor by activating the sweat glands. The occurrence of excessive sweating in the body is called “hyperhidrosis”. This sweating, which can occur all over the body, usually manifests itself in the hands and feet. This sweating can be caused by the feet being in shoes too much during the day, thyroid disease, as well as changes in hormones. These hormonal changes can cause odor in the feet. In addition, fungal disease can cause odor problems on the feet. Fungi, a type of microorganism, can feed and multiply standing up. Fungi that feed and multiply on the feet cause foot odor.

How to get rid of foot odor?

Although there is an idea about what foot odor is and what causes it, foot odor removal methods are a matter of curiosity.

For this, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the feet. Feet should be washed frequently during the day. Especially dead skin accumulated on the heels can cause odor. Therefore, dead skin should be cleaned frequently. After washing the feet, they should be completely dried. Every place, including between the toes, should be dried, and there should be no wet places.

It is necessary to pay attention to the selection of socks and shoes for foot odor. Socks that will cause the feet to sweat during the day should not be preferred. When buying socks, care should be taken to choose sweat-proof socks. Foot odor can be prevented if the socks are taken by paying attention to the content. Unlike polyester and nylon, cotton socks relax the skin and have sweat-retaining properties. Socks should always be clean and, if possible, changed during the day.

In the selection of shoes, instead of synthetic options, shoes produced with materials such as genuine leather should be preferred if possible. Preferring breathable shoes will prevent the smell of sweat. Foot odor can be caused by not choosing the right shoes, so care should be taken in this regard.

In addition, at the end of the day, shoes must be ventilated when taking off. Fresh air will replace existing sweat.
Doctor’s help can also be taken for foot odor. Foot odor can be treated with medication. In addition, foot odor can be largely eliminated with the use of sprays.

What Is Good For Foot Odor? Natural Remedies That Eliminate Foot Odor

It would be good to take a look at the natural foot odor solutions that can be applied at home after choosing shoes and socks for foot odor. Thus, you can get rid of a big problem with natural solutions.

Vinegar: It is one of the best options in natural solutions for hygiene. Vinegar, which completely destroys the environment necessary for bacteria to live, makes the sweat glands in the feet work slowly and offers a definitive solution for foot odor. For this, 5 glasses of water should be added to a bucket after each shower. Then 6 tablespoons of vinegar should be added to it. The feet should be kept in this mixture for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the application, the smell of vinegar may remain. For this, it should be washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly. It is possible to get rid of this problem with vinegar, which destroys bacteria.

Lavender oil: Lavender oil also removes bacteria like vinegar. In addition, it makes your feet smell very good. Lavender oil, which also has a calming feature, offers a fragrant solution for foot odor. For this, the bucket must be filled with warm water. The feet should be kept for 20 minutes by adding 10-15 drops of lavender oil to the bucket filled with warm water.

Tea / Sage: One of the natural methods that can be preferred for the definitive solution to foot odor is tea. Thanks to the substances it contains, it has anti-bacterial properties. Black tea with tannic acid in it shrinks the pores on the skin of the feet and provides a solution to the problem of foot sweating. For this, 3 bags of tea should be brewed well in the teapot. After brewing, it should be poured into a bucket half filled with water. As with other methods, the feet should be kept in the tea mixture for 20 minutes. This process can also be applied with sage instead of black tea. It is necessary to brew sage like tea and add it to water and wait for a certain time. It will be an alternative to tea with its nice smell.

Baking soda: You can also solve the problem of foot odor by using baking soda. Carbonate, which neutralizes the pH of foot sweat, reduces the number of bacteria on the feet. It should be applied by adding 2 teaspoons into a bucket filled with warm water. The foot should be left for 20 minutes. It should be repeated every day for 1 week to get rid of the smell.

Lemon: Known for its germ-killing feature, lemon also offers a solution method for foot odor. Regularly rubbing clean feet with lemon peel can help prevent foot odour. If more practical solutions are required, 7-8 cloves can be thrown into the shoe. This will smell the shoe.

In addition, the feet can be powdered during the day to prevent the feet from sweating. With these practical methods, there will be no need to worry about how to get rid of foot odor.
