What is good for eye pain? Home remedies for eye pain

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Experiencing the sensation of pain in the inner or surface of the eye in daily life indicates a medical condition. Eye pain, which can develop in two different ways, ocular (on the surface of the eye) or orbital (in the inner part of the eye), usually tends to go away on its own. However, when the person notices that the eye pain does not go away, he should definitely consult a specialist. In this way, the factors causing eye pain can be determined. Then, it is possible to start the treatment of eye pain with the drugs prescribed by the ophthalmologist. Again, if the eye pain does not go away, the person who consults a specialist doctor can relieve this pain with the natural solutions recommended to him.

What causes eye pain?

Eye pain experienced by a person can be of two different types. The first of the eye pain types mentioned is ocular in nature. Ocular eye pain is felt on the surface of the eye. Another eye pain is of the orbital type. Orbital eye pain is also known to be felt in the eye and deeply. The causes of pain felt on the surface of the eye are usually as follows:

  • Contact of a person’s eye with a foreign object
  • Traumas
  • Infection

The causes of orbital pain in the inner part of a person’s eye are mostly as follows:

  • glaucoma
  • Sinusitis
  • Migraine
  • iritis
  • eye disorder
  • optic neuritis

What are the symptoms of eye pain and how does it pass?

Eye pain that develops in a person can manifest itself with different symptoms depending on the factor that causes this pain. Therefore, although the symptoms of eye pain are usually characterized by a feeling of pain, it is possible for the person to have different symptoms. Commonly observed symptoms of ocular and orbital eye pain are as follows:

  • Symptoms of ocular pain on the surface of the eye: Burning, itching, scratching and pain sensation
  • Symptoms of orbital pain felt inside the eye: Throbbing, severe and chronic pain and stabbing sensation

People experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms should first consult a specialist for the treatment of eye pain. In this way, the ophthalmologist can determine the cause of eye pain by applying various tests to the person. A special treatment plan is then created depending on the cause of the eye pain the person is experiencing. In the treatment process, methods such as eye drops, pain relievers in tablet form, use of glasses or surgical intervention may be used.

What is good for eye pain?

Questioned by many, “What is good for eye pain, what are the home remedies?” There are multiple answers to the question. Because the treatment plan of eye pain is determined according to the condition that causes this pain. The methods that are frequently used in the treatment of eye pain that can occur due to different reasons can be listed as follows:

  • Use of glasses: Glasses are used to support the rest of the corneas, especially in eye pain that occurs in people who wear lenses.
  • Care that can be done at home: Resting the eyes is one of the most important practices in relieving eye pain. Therefore, it is important to reduce screen use and to rest the eyes at regular intervals.
  • Eyewash application: If the cause of eye pain in the person is contact with a foreign object or chemical, the eyewash method is applied. Here, in order to remove the irritating substance from the eyes, it is necessary to bath the eyes with water or serum solution.
  • Making hot compresses: It is recommended by experts to apply hot compresses to people with styes or blepharitis in their eyes. In this process, warm and moist towels are placed on the eyes and the clogged sebaceous glands are cleaned.

What are the medical methods used in the treatment of eye pain?

In the treatment of eye pain, recommendations for life habits can be offered to the person by experts. However, medications, eye drops or surgery may also play a role in the treatment of eye pain. Therefore, the medical methods that can be applied to improve eye pain are:

  • Antihistamine use: Oral medications or eye drops can alleviate the pain sensation that develops due to eye allergy.
  • Antibiotic drug use: Some conditions that cause eye pain can be treated with antibiotics in tablet or drop form. With this method, corneal abrasions, conjunctivitis and various eye infections can be cured.
  • Use of eye drops: Medicated eye drops can be used to reduce eye pressure, especially in people with glaucoma problems.
  • Use of painkillers: In order to alleviate eye pain that interferes with daily life, painkillers can be given to the person by experts until the factor causing this pain is determined.
  • Surgical intervention: If the cause of the person’s eye pain is a foreign object or eye injuries, then surgical operations can be applied. In this process, it is aimed to repair the damage to the eye with surgery.

What are the natural treatment methods for eye pain?

When a person experiences a feeling of pain on the surface or inside of his eye, “What is a good herbal remedy for eye pain?” in order to alleviate this pain. can search for an answer. However, it should be reminded that an ophthalmologist should be consulted first in order to improve eye pain. As a matter of fact, eye pain can be associated with different diseases. In this direction, first of all, the cause of eye pain should be determined by the specialist doctor and a treatment plan should be created to relieve this pain. Natural solutions that can be applied at home by consulting a specialist doctor can be as follows:

  • It is possible for the person to reduce the use of the screen and apply the hot compress method when the feeling of pain occurs.
  • If the eyes come into contact with any foreign object or harsh chemical, they should be washed with plenty of water.
  • If it is deemed appropriate by the specialist doctor, it is possible to clean with green tea when there is a feeling of itching or pain in the eye.
  • Aloe vera is one of the antioxidant-containing plants that can be used in the treatment of eye pain and itching. It is possible to supplement eye treatment with aloe vera. It is considered appropriate to mix some aloe vera with water and apply it to the outer part of the eye with the help of cotton.
  • It is known that regularly massaging the outer part of the eye and the eye area with rose water can relieve eye pain.

Are potatoes good for the eyes?

It is said that thoroughly cleaning the potato slices and placing them on the eyelid plays a role in relieving the feeling of itching and pain in the eye. So “Is potatoes good for the eyes?” The question can basically be answered with “yes”. However, in some cases, putting potatoes in the eye is not enough to relieve the pain. For this reason, a person experiencing eye pain should prefer the practice of caring with potatoes in addition to medical treatment.

What is good for eyelid pain?

If there is a feeling of pain in the eyelid, the person should apply directly to an ophthalmologist to determine the factor causing this pain. Generally, eyelid pain is considered a sign of normal eye pain. However, in some cases, eyelid pain may be experienced due to false eyelashes, mascara or different cosmetic products. In this case, in order to relieve eyelid pain, it is first necessary to determine the causes of the pain. Then, the drugs or eye drops prescribed by the ophthalmologist should be used regularly.

Possible eyelid pain can be prevented by cleaning the eyes with natural products such as rose water and green tea. It is possible to relieve mild eyelid pain by placing cucumber or potato slices on the eyes at regular intervals.

What is good for eye watering, what can be done at home?

Depending on numerous factors such as bacteria, clogged tear ducts, allergies, infection and dust, eye watering may occur. This eye watering problem is usually accompanied by symptoms such as itching and pain. Therefore, the treatment plan of eye watering should be determined by a specialist doctor, as in eye pain. In this process, eye drops and antibiotic drugs are usually used. Solutions to be considered or applied to prevent eye watering:

  • Care should be taken to avoid dust in the environment.
  • Eyes should be rested regularly and washed with natural products or plenty of water.
  • People with sun and pollen allergies should be careful to use sunglasses outdoors.
  • If the eye watering is not accompanied by other symptoms, a warm compress can be applied at home.
  • A small amount of black or green tea juice can be applied to the eyes with the help of a cotton ball.
  • To prevent eye watering, hands should not be rubbed into the eyes after contact with different surfaces or objects.
