What is good for eye bleeding? Can eye bleeding be treated at home with natural methods?

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Eye bleeding is caused by the expansion of small blood vessels on the surface of our eyes. Various treatment methods can be applied for bleeding in the eye due to many reasons. So what causes eye bleeding?

What is Eye Bleeding?

Eye bleeding occurs when the capillaries between the white part of our eye, also known as the sclera layer, and the transparent layer on the eye surface, expand and collect blood. Very rarely, the cracks that occur in these vessels cause blood circulation. Eye bleeding can occur in one eye, often in both eyes.

What are the Causes of Eye Bloodshot?

If you are wondering what causes bloodshot eyes, you should know that there is no single reason for this. Although fatigue is the first thing that comes to mind in this case, the main causes of eye bleeding are:

  • dry eye
  • Some allergies
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Not removing lenses at night
  • infection of the eye
  • Alcoholic beverage consumption
  • Diseases such as the flu and malaria.
  • Bleeding may occur in tired eyes after a while. For this reason, TV and computer use should not exceed a certain hour, and these screens should be viewed in dim light and for a short time, if possible. The mobile phone, like these two devices, also causes blood in the eyes. While using the phone, the light should be reduced so as not to disturb the eyes.
  • Lack of sleep is the most obvious cause of eye bleeding. The blood in the eyes of people who are sleepless and tired attracts attention at first glance. For healthier and more joyful days, attention should be paid to sleep patterns and sleep quality.
  • Eye bleeding is the biggest problem of people with dry eyes. When the moisture balance of the eye is disturbed, the eyes will dry out and blood will immediately follow. To prevent this, you should wash your face constantly and see a doctor as soon as possible.

Eye bleeding is generally due to an irritation or inflammatory process, including the conjunctival layer. Dry eyes, allergic reactions, germs, foreign bodies, trauma, sudden ocular pressure, intraocular inflammation known as uveitis, eyelash root inflammation, prolonged exposure to the sun and ultraviolet lights and some diseases can cause eye bleeding.

What is Good for Eye Bloodshot?

Generally, eye bleeding is treated with drops and painkillers. Especially eye drops are a very effective method in eliminating the blood in the eyes. Eye bleeding treatment usually takes 1 or 2 days. Avoiding the factors that cause bleeding in the eye is also very important in terms of preventing the recurrence of this health problem. The main eye bleeding treatments are:

  • Rose water: Dressing bloodshot eyes with rose water is a very common treatment method. You can apply this treatment as follows: First, wet a piece of cotton with rose water. Then, cool the soaked cotton in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, put it on your eyes and leave it like this for 30 minutes. After applying this treatment, it will be more beneficial for you to sleep if possible. When you wake up, your eye bleeding will be greatly reduced or completely gone.
  • Aloe Vera Juice: Freeze the aloe vera juice and mix it well with cold water. After dressing the bloody eye with a soft cloth or a piece of cotton, wet it and put it on your eye. With this method, your eyelid is rested and inflammation is prevented.
  • Cold water: By washing your eyes and the eye area with cold water at regular intervals, you can balance the blood circulation, thus greatly reducing the blood supply.
  • Ice Bag: Apply ice packs to your bloodshot eye for five minutes. This will both narrow the capillaries and relax the eyes. Never put the ice directly on the eyelid. Because ice can cause minor burns.
  • Do not wear eye make-up when your eyes are bloodshot or prefer hypoallergenic make-up products. Do not share your makeup with other people.
  • Dry eye is one of the most common causes of bloodshot eyes. Drinking enough water during the day can reduce this problem by meeting the fluid needs of the tear glands.
  • Especially if you often suffer from seasonal allergies, antihistamine eye drops will be good for blood circulation.
  • For eye bleeding and eye itching, wet a piece of cotton with milk and gently massage your eyelids. You will soon notice that the blood in your eyes has decreased.

Which Diseases Are Bleeding Eyes Symptom?

Bleeding in the eyes can sometimes be a symptom of thyroid disease. In addition, sometimes high blood pressure manifests itself with eye bleeding, and this also brings eye pressure.

The tumor sometimes occurs in the lens of the eye. In such cases, eye bleeding and eye burring are experienced at the same time.

If burring and bleeding have been bothering you for a long time and eye drops have not cured your problem, you should undergo a detailed eye scan.

Never skip eye exams to prevent vision loss.

How Long Does Eye Bleeding Last?

Eye bleeding caused by conjunctivitis resolves in about five days. Eye bleeding caused by insomnia will pass after a good night’s sleep. The bleeding caused by the infections will pass in a short time when the given eye drops are used regularly.
